The December 2012 issue of the South Asian Review is a special issue on Sri Lankan Anglophone literature and it is now available. This special issue of the South Asian Review was edited by Maryse Jayasuriya and Aparna Halpe.
The Table of Contents is attached and also pasted in below.
Those who wish to order a copy (for $15) can do so by emailing Lindsay Dankmyer, editorial assistant at SAR, at:
Table of Contents
Editor’s Column
Guest Editors’ Column
Contestation, Marginality, and (Trans)nationalism:
Considering Sri Lankan Anglophone Literature
Maryse Jayasuriya and Aparna Halpé 17
Romancing the Environment: Romesh Gunesekera’s
Reef and Heaven’s Edge
Shalini Jain
Michael Ondaatje’s Sri Lanka in
The Collected Works of Billy the Kid
Marilena Zackheos
History as a “Well-Told Lie” in Michael Ondaatje’s
Running in the Family
Saradha Balasubramanian
Indigenous Development in Sri Lankan Literature:
Punyakante Wijenaike’s The Waiting Earth
Nicola Anne Robinson
“No Place Called Home?”: Representations of Home
in Chandani Lokugé’s If the Moon Smiled and
Roshi Fernando’s Homesick
Neluka Silva
“Enormous Cracks, Towering Mountains”:
The Displacement of Migration as Intimate Violence
in Sri Lanka-Australia Migration Narratives
Isabel Alonso-Breto
Betting on Fiction: Nation, Diaspora, Technology,
and Anglophone Literary Networks in
Shehan Karunatilaka’s The Legend of Pradeep Mathew
Brian Yothers
Uncertainty and the Future: A Reading of V.V.
Ganeshananthan’s Love Marriage
Grant Hamilton
The Queer “Outsider”: Family and Sexuality in Shyam
Selvadurai’s Swimming in the Monsoon Sea
Kaustav Bakshi
I Have Not Painted the War: Art and Abiding in
Roma Tearne’s Mosquito
J Edward Mallot
Devotees, Dissidents, Sceptics, and Romantics in the
Sri Lankan Campus Novel in English: A Study of
The Days We Wished Would Never End, An English Education
and The Ginirälla Conspiracy
Walter Perera
Rebirth of a Nation or The Incomparable Toothbrush:
The Origin Story and Narrative Regeneration in Sri Lanka
Minoli Salgado
Fear of Ethnic Reconciliation the Reason for Post-War
Media Censorship in Sri Lanka
J. S. Tissainayagam
The Factory is Like the Paddy-field: Gam Udawa
Performances, Ethnicity and Neoliberalism in Sri Lanka
Nimanthi Perera-Rajasingham
A Fox’s Wedding: Sitting Down with Michael Ondaatje
Aparna Halpé
Drawing Maps of Pain: An Interview with
V.V. Ganeshananthan
Dashini Jeyathurai
“Writing is not a unilateral act”: An Interview with
Vivimarie VanderPoorten
Maryse Jayasuriya
The Novelist and Censorship:
A Sri Lankan-Australian Perspective
Chandani Lokugé
“my teacher talks of a sri lankan English”: questing the literary
Sivamohan Sumathy
Rethinking Translations from a Postcolonial Perspective
Chelva Kanaganayakam
Book Reviews
R. Cheran. You Cannot Turn Away.
Reviewed by Indran Amirthanayagam
Nayomi Munaweera. Island of A Thousand Mirrors.
Reviewed by Stephanie K. Dunning
Chandani Lokugé. Softly, As I Leave You.
Reviewed by Chelva Kanaganayakam
Ru Freeman. A Disobedient Girl.
Reviewed by Poornima Ranawana
Sumith Ganguly and William Thompson, eds. Asian Rivalries: Conflict, Escalation and Limitations on Two-Level Games.
Reviewed by Ann Rea
Malcolm Lyall Darling. At Freedom’s Door.
Reviewed by Michael T. Williamson
Biographical Notes
source: AISLS
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