Author’s Note: The Sunday Leader for which this article was written as part of my weekly column wanted this rewritten to be about the Federal Party or another topic because “these are yet allegations, [and] it would be unfair to print such.” However I wrote this because the army’s sexual abuse is now well beyond allegations and backed up by affidavits and medico-legal documents. Untruthful witnesses do not scar their vaginas and anuses or their bodies with whips and cigarettes to sound credible. Indeed, The Economist in the article “Sri Lanka and its Critics: Bloody Secrets,” of 26.02.2013 declares the HRW report to contain “clear evidence of atrocities and abuse.” I am therefore releasing this to web-newspapers. I do so with a little fear and trepidation, however, because I have been particular to have my articles printed in Sri Lanka first in the open literature (which is subject to defamation challenges) before they appear abroad so that I cannot be accused when I return home like the HRW witness YJ below of “doing propaganda against the government and security forces” abroad.
Yet I fully support the Sunday Leader editorial team as they try to say the little they can at immense bodily risk to themselves, at a time when space for a free press rapidly closes in Sri Lanka. When it is the editors who are risking death as journalists are killed and President Rajapaksa predictably goes through the motions of ordering investigations that go nowhere, the editors must not be challenged
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DM (1 mars 2013). “A Bestial Government: Plunder, Rape And Buggery” by S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole ( SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse