CFP Panel 2013 Annual Conference on South Asia for “Media and the State in Colonial India”

This message is to announce a panel for the 2013 Annual Conference on South
Asia tentatively titled: “Media and the State in Colonial India”

We are looking for scholars who work on cinema and media in the colonial
period and who are particularly interested in the relationship between
cinema and media and the colonial state policies, practices, and/or
perceptions.  We are defining media broadly and will like to include
scholars, who work on print or who are interested in any form of visual or
oral media. We are hoping to spur a conversation between historians of
empire and cinema and media studies scholars.

Participants currently include:
Isabel Huacuja Alonso, Department of History, University of Texas at Austin
Suzanne Schulz , Department of Radio Television and Film, University of
Texas at Austin

Please send a tentative title and abstract for 300-400 words
toisabel.huacuja@gmail.combefore March 25th if you’d like to

source: H-Asia

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (20 mars 2013). CFP Panel 2013 Annual Conference on South Asia for “Media and the State in Colonial India” SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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