CFP Panel: “Precolonial Encounters of South & Southeast Asian Art”, ACSAA, Los Angeles, Nov. 7-10, 2013

South and Southeast Asia boast centuries of prolonged artistic
exchange with diverse cultures including those of the Middle East,
Turkey, Persia, and various Asian countries. This panel seeks to chart
the multivalent forms of material exchange in South and Southeast Asia
and their connection to the transmission of knowledge across cultures.
Numerous scholars have enriched the historiography on the material
cultures of these regions by analyzing the role of European
colonialism and by utilizing subsequent post-colonial and Orientalist
interpretive methodologies. While these methods have their place in
the study of the 19th and 20th centuries, this panel attempts to look
outside this approach by focusing on pre-colonial forms of artistic,
cultural and scientific interchange and by advancing new
methodological approaches for thinking about cross-cultural contact
outside of a colonial paradigm.

Can and should post-colonial models and their attendant applications
in visual culture be adapted to account for contact between pre-modern
South and Southeast Asia’s many empires and their subjects? What new
models can be formulated for interpreting the production, circulation,
and collection of art objects across cultures outside of a colonial
framework? How did malleable trade networks create visual
entanglements among various artistic traditions?  What were the
possibilities and limits of knowledge transmission and translation in
a visual format in the pre-colonial world of South and Southeast Asia?

Papers addressing artistic and cultural interchanges in South and
Southeast Asian historiography from the medieval period through the
18th century or papers that deal with intra-regional exchange between
diverse cultures are welcome.

Please email abstracts to:

Deadline for submission: March 31, 2013

For more information on the 2013 Symposium of the American Council
for Southern Asian Art (ACSAA), held 7-10 November 2013 at the
University of California, Los Angeles, visit:

source: H-Asia

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DM (20 mars 2013). CFP Panel: “Precolonial Encounters of South & Southeast Asian Art”, ACSAA, Los Angeles, Nov. 7-10, 2013. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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