Here are two images to help the Sri Lankan Police in their ostensible investigations into the incident, since it is quite clear that four policemen, no more than 3 feet away from and staring directly into the face of the Buddhist “monk” who is engaged in destroying private property isn’t quite enough these days for an arrest to be made.
Who are these individuals? Where are they from, and if they are men of cloth, which Temple do they belong to? Why haven’t the Police made any progress in their investigations, given so many of them saw – in close proximity and for a long time – the Buddhist “monks” who were part of the violent mob? Why did the Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Secretary of Defence (openly and unashamedly associated with the BBS) visit the Temple near Fashion Bug on the same night of the attack, after it was conducted, to hold discussions with the Chief Prelate, as reported in the media?
Condoned by the Rajapaksa regime, supported by Police inaction and strengthened by the Defence Secretary’s open association with and support of the BBS, Islamophonia in Sri Lanka shows no signs of abating. 30 years on, we seem, inexorably, to be heading into another July ’83.
Click here for full article, more images and video.
source: Groundviews
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DM (31 mars 2013). “Helping the Police arrest brutish “monks” in Sri Lanka” by Groundviews. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse