Policemen stand around, seemingly there to protect the attackers from harm, not to stop the mindless attack. That perhaps is the final step, or something all fascists do quietly along the way: they get the powerful behind them.
How and why the government sees this as being in line with its own agenda is a mystery. A common belief among moderates is that for the government, it helps to have a ‘new enemy’. After the defeat of the LTTE and suppression of the Tamils in the north, perhaps targeting a new minority secures their place as the protector of the people.
Via http://tehelka.com/the-lankan-monks-that-believe-in-violence/
sources: Tehelka.com and Groundviews
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DM (20 avril 2013). “The Lankan Monks That Believe In Violence: Peace remains elusive as Muslims become the target of Sinhala-Buddhist extremism” by Subha Wijesiriwardena. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u7y7