Banned Press Conference Outside The Campus: Release The Student Leader – FUTA

FUTA had a press conference today (11th July 2013) at University of Colombo to condemn the arrest of Mr. Sanjeewa Bandara, Convenor/IUSF and Rev. Kimbulwewa Chandananda, Convenor/Eksath Bhikku Peramuna.

It is worthy to mention you that media was not allowed to enter the University premises by the security personals after instructions given by University administration (although UGC Circular 890 was relaxed after the trade union action). Therefore FUTA (Nirmal, myself, Krisantha Fedricks, Pavithra and Vivimarie) decided to have the press conference inside the gate of university premises but outdoor near the security gate of the entrance of the Planetarium. The press release is herewith attached for your information.

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sources: FUTA and Colombo

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