“Northern Sinhalisation: Government To Settle 500 Sinhala Families In Mannar Despite Muslim Anger” by Colombo Telegraph

“The Colombo Telegraph also learns of several moves to entice families in villages in the Hambantota District to move to Vavuniya. Sources on the ground in the District said that several people had been offered land and a Rs. 600,000 housing allowance if they moved to Vavuniya. The offer has come from such high places as UPFA Hambantota MP Namal Rajapaksa. However in order to avail themselves of the offer, the families would have to relinquish their residency status in Hambantota and take up permanent residency in Vavuniya. The villages had been told that a form was available at the Divisional Secretariat which needed to be completed. Once this documentation process was complete they could then travel to Vavuniya and hand the forms over to the military personnel there to be assigned their land. Four persons had already made the journey and it is learnt that at least one such Hambantota resident had been granted a prime piece of land with high quality timber on the property. Most villages in the District have been made aware of this option and that the necessary paperwork could be obtained from the Divisional Secretariats of their respective region.

SLT personnel have also indicated that staff from the institution, specifically those who reside in the deep south have been offered relocation options with housing, relocation allowance and government job opportunities in the north.”


source: Colombotelegraph.com

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DM (16 août 2013). “Northern Sinhalisation: Government To Settle 500 Sinhala Families In Mannar Despite Muslim Anger” by Colombo Telegraph. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u82x

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