Srilata Raman, “Who Speaks for Saivism? Navalar, Vallalar and the 19th century Tamil Public”
Associate Professor, Department of Religion, University of Toronto
Darshan Ambalavanar, “Arumuga Navalar and the Saiva Public”
Independent Scholar, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
Sudharshan Durayappah, “Queer Ritual in Tamil Toronto”
Lecturer, Global Asian Studies, University of Toronto
WHEN: 19 November Tuesday. 6-7:30. Reception to follow.
WHERE: MW 160, University of Toronto-Scarborough
For Directions, see:
Campus Map
Organized by the Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, UTSC
RSVP: bhavani.raman@utorontoca
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (16 novembre 2013). “The Making of the Modern “Tamil-Hindu” and Religious Difference in Tamil Words” University of Toronto–Scarborough, 19 November 2013. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse