Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,18-22 January 2014, Kerala Agricultural University

SANDEE and the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics, Kerala Agricultural University -A Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
18-22 January 2014 | Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India

Concept Note Submission Deadline is 10th Dec 2013
The Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) and the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) are jointly organizing a Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics during January 18 – 22, 2014 at the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics in Vellanikkara, Thrissur District. The aim of this workshop is to build research capacity in the area of environment and resource economics in South India and Sri Lanka. The objectives of the workshop are to develop research proposal writing skills among researchers beginning to work on the economics of environmental problems; to introduce researchers to current policy concerns and research themes related to environment and development across South Asia. The workshop will provide an opportunity for South Indian and Sri Lankan researchers, interested in the field of environmental and natural resource economics to become more familiar with research concepts and techniques. International and local experts will conduct the workshop.

The workshop will provide practical training where participants first identify research issues and then develop research concepts into research proposals under the guidance and assistance of resource persons. It will enable participants to strengthen skills related to logically developing research ideas, examining and drawing from known literature, assessing data availability and adequacy for answering research questions, and improving presentation skills. Resource persons will provide technical inputs on individual research concepts identified by participants.

A total of 12-14 participants will be invited to participate in the Workshop based on Concept Notes submitted by the participants. Participants will initially present their research concepts to peers and receive comments. Reading some new research papers and informal consultation with experts will follow. The candidates will have to present a modified version of the research concept again based on these discussions, which will help them shape a complete proposal for submitting to SANDEE or other funding/training agencies.

PhD or Master’s Degree in Economics or any field of Applied Economics with minimum two years of research or teaching experience is essential. Candidates with a PhD or working towards or with future plans for a Ph.D. degree are encouraged.
Interest in research and teaching related to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.
Women, mid-career applicants are encouraged to apply.
Quantitative skills and previous research experience would be helpful.
Researchers from institutions in South India and Sri Lankan are eligible to apply.
Multi-disciplinary teams of two are eligible and encouraged.
Requirements for Application
Apply with a short CV [no more than 2 pages] and a cover letter (no more than 250 words) expressing research interest
A three page concept note [as per the attached guidelines] should be submitted

Key research topics for the concept note include: a) Climate change mitigation and adaptation, b) management of ecosystem services and c) Policy instruments for greener growth and the economics of, green technology adoption.


Apply directly to Dr P. Indira Devi at with a copy to by 10th Dec 2013.
The quality of the concept


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