Call for Submissions “Write to Reconcile” by 21st February 2014″ by The National Peace Council

Write to Reconcile is a creative writing project undertaken by The National Peace Council, in conjunction with the internationally renowned Sri Lankan author, Shyam Selvadurai, who will serve as Project Director. The aim of the project is to bring together emerging Sri Lankan writers who are interested in writing creative pieces (fiction, memoir or poetry) on the issues of conflict, peace, reconciliation, memory and trauma, as they relate to Sri Lanka or the Sri Lankan diaspora. Write to Reconcile seeks to develop a community of like-minded individuals committed to contributing, through their writing, to the process of peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka; a community of individuals committed to also reflecting the different points of views from the multiple communities that make up Sri Lanka and its diaspora.

Write to Reconcile will be conducted in English. It is open to all applicants who have Sri Lankan or dual citizenship, as well as members of the Sri Lankan diaspora who has at least one parent who is of Sri Lankan origin. It will consist of 1 eight-day Residential Workshops and two Online Forums, followed by the publication of the participants’ work in an anthology at a book launch.

Press release –
Application form –


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DM (14 janvier 2014). Call for Submissions “Write to Reconcile” by 21st February 2014″ by The National Peace Council. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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