PNQ at 75th Anniversary celebration of the Tamil League/Krish Ponnusamy C.S.K (Le

Born on the 27th Feb 1937 in Port-Louis, the Tamil League celebrated its 75th years of existence in its magnificent building at Martindale, Reduit on Saturday 17th March 2012.
The event was attended by the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, Ministers, the Indian High Commissioner, M.Ps and other dignitaries, members and staunch supporters of the League.
The President of the League Mr Naden Vydelingum recalled the route followed by the League from its early days in Port-Louis and its numerous achievements for community development. The values taught by our elders have stood the test of time. As one of the oldest Tamil socio-cultural institutions, the League has contributed marvellously to nation building. The glorious past should inspire the Youth and the Ladies Wings to redouble their efforts to take the League to greater heights, especially as the League is set on an international course, establishing working links with the Tamil Diaspora in many countries.
It is interesting to mention that thanks to Mr Armoogum Parsuramen, former Minister of Education, a memorandum of understanding was signed during the same week between the Tamil League and the Dubai Tamil Sangham, opening new vistas of cooperation and joint ventures.
All the speakers slated in the program warmly congratulated the League for its multifarious activities and realisations. Rolling the ball, the Indian High Commissioner, H.E. Mr T. P. Seetharam, made a brilliant speech on the enormous contribution of Tamil Culture to humanity and underlined the vibrancy of Tamil Language, one of the oldest on the planet. For his part, Minister Pillay Chedumbrum dwelled lengthily on the achievements of his Ministry in the field of Information and Communication Technology and the growing importance of ICT for our economy.
With his usual poise, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon P. R. Berenger evoked historical facts concerning the contribution of various past Tamil political leaders to the political and economic development of Mauritius. He specifically mentioned the names of Renganaden Seeneevassen, Sir Veerasamy Ringadoo. He also paid tribute to Anjalay and Permal Soobrayen.
However, he did not miss the opportunity to refer to the sad plight of our Tamil brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the civil war. He drew attention to the meeting of the UN Human Rights Council scheduled in Geneva on 23rd of March 2012. As the Prime Minister was present, he asked to be informed of the intentions of the Mauritius Government on the resolution spearheaded by the US,               severely condemning the Government of Sri Lanka for gross human rights abuses and also whether our representative in Geneva would take the floor during the debates. Interestingly, the request for information for the Leader of the Opposition, took the form of a PNQ.
Fortunately, the Speaker of the National Assembly was not among the guests as he would have disallowed the PNQ!
As a good democrat, the Prime Minister in his speech reassured the Leader of the Opposition and the whole gathering that he had instructed our mission in Geneva to vote in favour of the resolution. He could not say offhand whether our representative would make a speech. He then went through greater length, as if he was answering a PNQ in Parliament, on the role that he himself had played at a previous CHOGM meeting to deny Sri Lanka the opportunity of hosting the ensuring CHOGM meeting which was in fact held in Australia. The PNQ at the Tamil League will be considered as a memorable anniversary gift, especially as the resolution was passed, with India voting against Sri Lanka.
After the launching of a DVD on the Tamil League, a commemorative magazine, a book on past Tamil personalities and the award of medals to major sponsors, a cordial reception united the 400 guests in a mood of great satisfaction and pride.
Long Live the Tamil League.


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DM (31 juillet 2012). PNQ at 75th Anniversary celebration of the Tamil League/Krish Ponnusamy C.S.K (Le SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

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