Below you will find an announcement of the upcoming Seventh Annual Tamil Studies Conference –“In Many Worlds: Kudi / Kudiyurimai, Belonging, and Citizenship in the Tamil Imaginary”–to be held in Toronto on May 16-18, 2014.
Belonging, and Citizenship in the Tamil Imaginary” Organised by the University of Toronto, St. George and Scarborough Campuses, to be held on May16- May 18, 2014.
The plenary speakers include: C.S. Lakshmi, (a world renowned author and feminist scholar), and V. Arasu, (Head of the Tamil Department at the University of Madras and leading scholar of Tamil literature and print culture).
Moreover, this year we will have a special performance called “Uravu”. This will take place on May 17 @ 8.00pm.
Tickets will be: $15 (early bird) and $20 (at the door)***
Please see the website: for full details of the participating scholars, performances and to register to attend. Registration is now open and will remain open until May 8 2014, 2pm. After this date, all those interested in attending the conference can register on the days of the conference.
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DM (24 mars 2014). Seventh Annual Tamil Studies Conference 2014: “In Many Worlds: Kudi / Kudiyurimai, Belonging, and Citizenship in the Tamil Imaginary” SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse