Senthuran Varatharajah (PhD candidate in Philosophy, HU Berlin), who is now officially nominated for the Bachmann Preis for German Literature for his unpublished and unfinished manuscript. It’s the first time in the 38 year-old history of the Bachmann prize that an unpublished author stands nominated for one of the most renowned German language literature prizes. He’s also only the third person of colour to ever be nominated in the history of the prize (the other being of Iranian and Turkish descent). He’ll be live reading a chapter from his book between July 2nd and 4th on German, Austrian and Swiss national television.
The 38th ‘Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur’ (Days of German Language Literature) will also be available online via live stream.
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DM (28 mai 2014). Senthuran Varatharajah nominated for the Bachmann Preis for German Literature. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse