“Aluthgama – Thinking about Co-existence and Resistance in a Time of Crisis” by Mahendran Thiruvarangan

“The government, of course, will be quite happy as long as the criticism coming from Sinhala-Buddhists does not translate into a scathing critique of the state and its nationalist project or of the government’s mismanagement of the country’s economy and the welfare system. The question before us now is how we are going to produce a criticism that penetrates into the system that serves the interests of the ruling regime in the name of all Sinhala-Buddhists. This radical criticism needs to come from all of us including the Sinhala-Buddhist community. Student leaders, educationists, workers, men, women, the clergy and activists have to lay bare the government’s deceptive politics behind its collaboration with the BBS. They need to demonstrate the ways in which Sinhala chauvinism undermines the economic strength of the people. They should expose the government’s bogus patriotic propaganda and the neo-liberal character of its economic policies that are against the interests of the poorer sections of the people of Sri Lanka. Highlighting the unevenness within the Sinhala-Buddhist community, we need to demystify the supposed homogeneity of the Sinhala-Buddhist nation.”

via: http://kafila.org/2014/06/24/aluthgama-thinking-about-co-existence-and-resistance-in-a-time-of-crisis-mahendran-thiruvarangan/

source: www.kafila.org

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DM (14 juillet 2014). “Aluthgama – Thinking about Co-existence and Resistance in a Time of Crisis” by Mahendran Thiruvarangan. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8dn

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