“Relevance of Freedom of Association in 1992 and today: Ratawawi Peramuna and its players” by Lakshan Dias

What is the situation today? Freedom of association is under its worst threats in independent Sri Lanka, despite the attempts by state media and “Para state propaganda units” to deny it. Those who supply ideological justification for this government (including some of the Petitioners in Ratawesi Peramuna and who were in fact beneficiaries of the regime) will soon realize that they will one day need to form an association to defend themselves, independent of the state apparatus. People change but principles do not. Probably it is time for us to remember the words of Laurence J. Peter, Canadian educationalist who moved into USA and who published the famous “The Peter Principles”. “The devil could change. He was once an angel and may be evolving still”.

via: http://groundviews.org/2014/07/27/relevance-of-freedom-of-association-in-1992-and-today-ratawawi-peramuna-and-its-players/

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (27 juillet 2014). “Relevance of Freedom of Association in 1992 and today: Ratawawi Peramuna and its players” by Lakshan Dias. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8ev

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