15-year-old Fatheema Sulaika has lofty plans for her future. Study hard, become a psychologist, do her bit for mankind and hope that her example inspires oppressed women the world over. Needless to say, encountering such vibrant ambition down one of Slave Island’s drearier streets was rather unexpected.
See her story at http://bit.ly/VfavkO
These are the stories, homes, neighborhoods and lives of people the Ministry of Defence lumps together as slum and shanty dwellers.
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DM (12 août 2014). “She gives us the confidence to do better”, Produced by Sharni Jayawardena and Tarika Wickremeratne. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8ft