below the publisher’s description of the book.
At the heart of this in-depth ethnographic study lie the daily life situations of tsunami survivors in war-torn, eastern Sri Lanka. Each chapter is built around the empirical themes derived from the stories and recollections of Tamil women and their families during their stay in relief camps, anticipating relocation. The specifics of the socio-cultural context are firmly embedded in the discussions. Ten years after the tsunami, this publication offers a timely contribution to a better understanding of what it means to cope with the combined effects of disaster, war, and international aid in this matri-focal region of the island.
About the Author
Katharina Thurnheer (PhD) is an associate researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern. Her research interests focus on war, disaster, international aid, and gender.
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DM (9 octobre 2014). “Life Beyond Survival: Social Forms of Coping after the Tsunami in War-Affected Eastern Sri Lanka” by Katharina Thurnheer. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 17 janvier 2025 à l’adresse