“Mahinda Rajapaksa Who Stole 83 Million Rupees Of Tsunami Funds Is A Callous Thief: Mangala” by Colombo Telegraph

“I am very sad to say, that this politician is a callous thief. He stole 83 million rupees of Tsunami relief funds and used them for his personal gain.
The former Chief Justice has publicly apologized saying that the Helping Hambantota judgement, which he presided over and which protected that thief from conviction and ultimately jail, was the biggest mistake in his entire life. What right does this man have to speak of the people’s development and the country’s development? His achievements and energy over the last nine years have been spent only on own his family’s development and enrichment.”

via: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mahinda-rajapaksa-who-stole-83-million-rupees-of-tsunami-funds-is-a-callous-thief-mangala/

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (26 décembre 2014). “Mahinda Rajapaksa Who Stole 83 Million Rupees Of Tsunami Funds Is A Callous Thief: Mangala” by Colombo Telegraph. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8jn

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