“The 2015 Presidential Election: A view from the village” by Bradman Weerakoon

What has been a remarkable change recently in political affiliation after the emergence of Maithripala Sirisena as common candidate, has been the shift of the SLFP elements from Mahinda Rajapakse and the UPFA to Maithripala and the SLFP. Since the date the Election was announced until the 25th of December the only canvassing in the village has been for Maithripala.

Via http://groundviews.org/…/the-2015-presidential-election-a-…/

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (4 janvier 2015). “The 2015 Presidential Election: A view from the village” by Bradman Weerakoon. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8km

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