The Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) can now be reached over Telegram, a secure messaging app that’s completely free to use.
Download Telegram here (available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, Linux, Apple OS X).
Connect with us via +94 727772810 or by searching for our username, CMEVSL, in the app.
CMEV will continue to use WhatsApp (see here for details) to send daily updates to around 300 subscribers to date. However, it strongly encourages whistle-blowers and the general public – with information around electoral fraud, violence or vote-rigging – to use Telegram to get in touch with us in a manner that minimises risk to personal safety and security.
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DM (4 janvier 2015). CMEV on Telegram. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 14 décembre 2024 à l’adresse