Radio broadcast “South Asia’s Hub”


We are launching, in Paris and in French, a monthly program on a webradio that will focus on South Asia and its diasporas.

South Asia’s Hub is the new monthly program of New Veo Radio. Cheon Mak et Delon Madavan, its presenters want to offer their listeners programs on history, cultures and social issues in South Asian countries and their diasporas. South Asia’s Hub will welcome each month researchers, artists, human rights activists, people of South Asian origin and lovers of this region to talk about cinema, dance, religion, identity or integration. Ambitious, South Asia’s Hub aims to be a center of knowledge and intercultural exchange.

The Podcast of the first South Asia’s Hub radio show is now online !!!

Link to listen to the podcast:

For this first, our guests Eric Meyer (historian, Emeritus Professor at INALCO and research associate at the Centre for Studies on India and South Asia of Paris) and Vasoodeven Vuddamalay (geographer and ethnographer, lecturer and researcher at Université d’Évry-Val-d’Essonne) will help us to define the contours of South Asia and their diasporas.

                                          Contents of the emission:

Part 1: tentative definition (with Éric Meyer)

Part 2: History of South Asia (with Éric Meyer)

Part 3: A South Asian diaspora? (along with Vasoodeven Vuddamalay)

Part 4: South Asians in Mauritius and France (with Vasoodeven Vuddamalay)

Facebook page of South Asia’s Hub:


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DM (2 février 2015). Radio broadcast “South Asia’s Hub” SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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