44th Annual Conference on South Asia (Madison): CFP and new website

Dear Past participants, Attendees, and all interested in the conference:

Yesterday, we launched the new Annual Conference on South Asia website, and as can be expected with new endeavors, glitches arise quickly. Some have contacted the conference organizers about login issues, and we thank you all for your patience and cooperation in helping us get the website running smoothly. Working with our tech support contacts, we have resolved some of the issues.

If you have bookmarked the Annual Conference on South Asia website, your internet browser may not show you the updated site, so you either need to clear your cache or history or press SHIFT and Refresh page. Please keep in mind, we are still developing parts of the site, so you will notice changes frequently to content, but not to the general layout or user profile system.

To log in to the new system, please read the instructions below:

  • If you have registered for the Annual Conference on South Asia in the past, your email address should already be in the user database system, so all you need to do is RESET your password. A link will be emailed to you to reset. If your email is already in the system, when you choose to reset your password, it should recognize your email. If it does not recognize your email, you are not yet in the system.
  • If you have never registered for the Annual Conference on South Asia, you should CREATE a new account.
  • Once you have logged in, either by resetting your password or creating a new account, you can update your profile information. If you have an existing account because of past participation, you still need to update your profile information once you log in.

PLEASE REVIEW NEW SUBMISSION POLICIES: We have detailed the new policies for individual and panel submissions on the website here. Reminder: Preconference proposals are now decided on a competitive basis. The site is open to preconference submissions at this time.

CALL FOR PAPERS: A reminder that the call for papers was also sent yesterday:

The theme of this year’s conference is trust.

Intangible yet essential, trust helps scholars gain insight into the lived experience of others. From anthropology to journalism and oral history to religious studies, trust sits at the heart of scholars’ interpretive work and credibility. More broadly, its absence between individuals and communities–ethnic or religious, linguistic or gendered–permeates the literature, economics, politics, and history of South Asia.

We welcome panels that explore the theme and its opposite in relation to a wide variety of methodologies, locations, texts and practices. We also encourage proposal submissions that do not address the conference theme.

Again, we thank you all for your patience as the conference continues to grow, and as always, we appreciate the support of all participants and attendees each year.

If any major changes to system occur, we will send an email with instructions to help troubleshoot any errors you might encounter. Please distribute this message to relevant email lists.

Visit the AISLS web site at: http://www.aisls.org/
Unsubscribe or change your email address: dkeller@bu.edu
Post to the AISLS list-serve: aisls-l@lists.pdx.edu

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (20 février 2015). 44th Annual Conference on South Asia (Madison): CFP and new website. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8o2

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