Please note that New York University (NYU) is holding is holding a conference on “Global South Asia: Publics and Politics” on 27–28 February. Full details and online registration information is available at
Also note the Sri Lanka panel from 1:00 to 3:00 on Friday 27th:
“The Future of Left Politics in Sri Lanka”
- V.V. Ganeshananthan (Bunting Fellow, Radcliffe/Harvard Univ.), “What Kind of Democracy? Rebuilding Citizenry”
- Fathima Cader (Law, Univ. of Windsor), “How the Light Gets In: Canvasing Muslim Politics in Contemporary Sri Lanka”
- Thushara Hewage (International Affairs, New School), “Anti-Corruption and the Left: Reflections on a Democratic Idiom”
- Kanishka Goonewardena (Geography, Univ. of Toronto), “A Note on the Sri Lankan Conjuncture: Electoral Politics, Social Movements, and Left Political Prospects”
- Moderator: Vasuki Nesiah, (Gallatin, NYU)
John Rogers
Visit the AISLS web site at:
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DM (20 février 2015). NYU Global South Asia Conference, 27–28 February. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse