“Film: Determining Futures, women in Trade Unions in Sri Lanka” by Women and Media Collective

Sri Lanka’s Trade Union women leaders are a driving force in the lives of working women due to the constant trials and struggles encountered in the workplace. Marred by gender discrimination and sometimes violence women in the past have had to step forward and speak up for their rights. This led to the emergence of trade unions for women particularly in the Free Trade Zone, Fisheries, Plantation and Healthcare sectors.

The film ‘Determining Futures’ looks at the situation of trade union women from across the country. It takes you through the lives of four Trade Union women leaders and how they work towards making a difference in their lives as well others.

via: http://womenandmedia.org/film-determining-futures-women-in-trade-unions-in-sri-lanka/

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DM (1 mai 2015). “Film: Determining Futures, women in Trade Unions in Sri Lanka” by Women and Media Collective. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8pn

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