“Democracy in Sri Lanka Will Soon Confront Its Second Moment of Truth” by Jayadeva Uyangoda

The positive achievements of the regime change are quite significant, but paradoxically they remain mostly invisible and intangible. Key among them include making the state less and less repressive, removing the use of fear, terror, intimidation and corruption as instruments of governance, turning the regime behaviour moderate and less leader-centric, dismantling the political culture of the personality cult, demilitarisation of politics and public space, the re-opening of the space for critique and dissent, and the removal of the fear among ethnic and religious minorities of organised violence. These indeed are no mean achievements gained within a space of days and weeks of the regime change. All these are negative achievements in the sense that they are outcome of the government refraining from doing certain things. But they constituted a fundamental alteration of the pattern of regime behaviour evolved during the past so many years.

see: http://thewire.in/2015/07/27/democracy-in-sri-lanka-will-soon-confront-its-second-moment-of-truth-7278/

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
DM (29 juillet 2015). “Democracy in Sri Lanka Will Soon Confront Its Second Moment of Truth” by Jayadeva Uyangoda. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8r2

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