We warmly thank Vincent Faugère for allowing us to upload unpublished photographs he took during the anti-Tamil pogrom of 1983. Vincent Faugère came with his father to visit Sri Lanka in July 1983. He was then 15 years old. It happened that Vincent and his father were in Colombo when Tamil people were killed and chased from the town.
The photographs Vincent shares here were shot between july 26th and 29th, 1983, around Colombo railways station. He knows that from the travel notebook he had been writing at this time.
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DM (10 mai 2018). “unpublished photographs taken by a French tourist during the anti-Tamil pogrom of 1983” by Vincent Faugère. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8v3