“Is Sajith slowly pulling ahead as Gota fails to gain traction?” by Groundviews

The 2019 presidential election, rather predictably is shaping up politically, very similar to its precedent in 2015. On that occasion, the then ruling Rajapakses’ sought an unprecedented third term and was rebuffed at the polls. In 2019, the Rajapakses’ are essentially seeking a third term, with the personalities changed. The message though from the Rajapakse camp has not changed, only increased in intensity. The message that the Sinhala people are under threat both from within and without and require an authoritarian saviour.

Opposing this narrative, rather late in the day and through through no fault of his own, is Sajith Premadasa, the charismatic relatively young deputy leader of the UNP, whose political task and challenge is to recreate the politics of 2015 in 2019, with himself as a new standard-bearer and with a fresh political vision and message.


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DM (8 novembre 2019). “Is Sajith slowly pulling ahead as Gota fails to gain traction?” by Groundviews. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8vy

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