“For nearly ten years the Rajapaksa family ran Sri Lanka. Now, after a five-year hiatus and a bit of a reshuffle, they are back. On November 16th an unprecedented 84% of voters turned out to crown Gotabaya Rajapaksa president, handing him well over half the votes in a crowded field of 35 candidates. Mr Rajapaksa had served as defence chief during the 2005-15 reign of his brother Mahinda. The latter, blocked by the constitution from becoming head of state again, is likely to serve as his younger brother’s prime minister.”
via: The Economist
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DM (20 novembre 2019). “The Rajapaksas are back in power in Sri Lanka” The Economist. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 17 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u8wl