The Sixth Annual South Asia Legal Studies Pre-Conference Workshop

The Sixth Annual South Asia Legal Studies Pre-Conference Workshop will take place in Lubar Commons (7200 Law) at the University of Wisconsin Law School on Thursday, Oct.11, 2012 from 2-6:30pm, with dinner to follow.

It will feature two plenary sessions. “Alternatives to the State: Dispute Processing, Justice and Minority Communities in India,” chaired by Marc Galanter, will feature Erin P. Moore, Mengia Hong-Tschalär, Jeff Redding, Haley Duschinski and Bruce Hoffman as panelists. “The Politics and Poetics of Islamic Law in Contemporary South Asia” will be convened by David Gilmartin and will include Ebrahim Moosa, Ali Altaf Mian, SherAli Tareen and Tiffany Hodge as speakers. The full program is available here.


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DM (28 août 2012). The Sixth Annual South Asia Legal Studies Pre-Conference Workshop. SRI LANKA & DIASPORAS. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse

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