Thursday, 11 October
Preconference on Sri Lankan Cinema and Its Diaspora
Sponsored by the American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies, this preconference calls attention to a group of films largely concerned with the Sri Lankan armed conflict. This event will feature the most recent manifestations of a film movement called the “third revolution,” whose concerns have revolved around the socio-political transformations brought about by three decades of civil war. Together this new wave of filmmakers represented by Pradeepan Raveendran, Suba Sivakumaran, and Sanjeewa Pushpakumara capture a complex profile of contemporary cinema from Sri Lanka and the diaspora.
Location: University Room, The Madison Concourse Hotel
Tentative Schedule
1:00-1:05 Introduction by Jeanne Marecek (Swarthmore College)
1:05-1:20 Opening Remarks by Nalin Jayasena (Miami University)
1:20-1:35 Pradeepan Raveendra, A Mango Tree in the Front Yard (11 min).
1:00-1:05 Introduction by Jeanne Marecek (Swarthmore College)
1:05-1:20 Opening Remarks by Nalin Jayasena (Miami University)
1:20-1:35 Pradeepan Raveendra, A Mango Tree in the Front Yard (11 min).
Set in war-ravaged Sri Lanka and filmed in South India, this short film centers on a group of Tamil schoolchildren for whom violence is an everyday reality.
1:35-1:45 Preaddepan Raveendran, Shadows of Silence (11 min.)
A middle-aged Tamil man living in exile with his young family contemplates numerous ways to commit suicide.
1:45-2:00 Suba Sivakumaran, I Too Have a Name (12 min.)
A Tamil woman, living with the memory of pain, goes about her daily existence as a nun in the ravaged northeast of Sri Lanka at a time when her country is slipping in and out of war. As the world around her continues to be made and unmade by violence, she carves out a small space to breathe and to find power and meaning in her life.
2:00-2:30 A conversation with Suba Sivakumaran
2:30-3:00 Tea Break
3:00-5:10 Sanjeewa Pushpakumara, Flying Fish (125 min.)
Shot in a seemingly idyllic village by the first-time director Sanjeewa Pushpakumara, this startlingly assured film follows three interwoven stories (two Sinhala and one Tamil) involving forbidden love and ethnic tension. The languid pace of the villagers belies the hostility that has built over quarter century of warfare.
5:15-6:30 Roundtable discussion (Neloufer de Mel, Suba Sivakumaran, and Nalin Jayasena)
Friday 12 October
8:30-10:15 a.m: Governance, Politics, Corruption and Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka
Stanley W. Samarasinghe, Tulane University
Good Governance, Corruption and Regime Legitimacy in Sri Lanka
Good Governance, Corruption and Regime Legitimacy in Sri Lanka
Vidyamali Samarasinghe, American University
Impact of Corruption on Women’s Political Participation in Sri Lanka
Impact of Corruption on Women’s Political Participation in Sri Lanka
Neil DeVotta, Wake Forest University
Justice Undermined: Political Interference and Judicial Corruption in Sri Lanka
Justice Undermined: Political Interference and Judicial Corruption in Sri Lanka
Derek Marshall, Tulane University
Quality Education for All: Equality of Opportunity and Corruption in Sri Lanka’s K-12 Education
Quality Education for All: Equality of Opportunity and Corruption in Sri Lanka’s K-12 Education
8:30-10:15a.m.: Becoming “good” subjects: ethics, values, and agency from South Asian transnational perspectives
Annelies Goger, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gender-based Norms, Moral Authorities, and Disarticulations of Discourses in Ethical Codes
Gender-based Norms, Moral Authorities, and Disarticulations of Discourses in Ethical Codes
Bernardo Brown, Cornell University
Why can’t values be discussed? The Ethical dimensions of Transnationalism for Sri Lankans
Why can’t values be discussed? The Ethical dimensions of Transnationalism for Sri Lankans
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.:Everyday Occupations: Experiencing Militarism in South Asia
Sharika Thiranagama, Stanford University
From Containment to Cantonment: Remilitarizing Northern Sri Lanka
From Containment to Cantonment: Remilitarizing Northern Sri Lanka
1:45-3:30 p.m.: Mural Paintings, War Imagery, and Roadside Shrines: War and Visual Culture in Sri Lanka (Part 1)
Dennis McGilvray, University of Colorado, Boulder
Art of Resistance: Student Murals on the Parapet Walls of Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
Art of Resistance: Student Murals on the Parapet Walls of Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
Vivian Choi, Cornell University
When the Camera Lies: Imaging War in Sri Lanka
When the Camera Lies: Imaging War in Sri Lanka
Sujatha Meegama, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Praying on the A9: Patrons and Artisans of Roadside Shrines to Ganesha in Northern Sri Lanka
Praying on the A9: Patrons and Artisans of Roadside Shrines to Ganesha in Northern Sri Lanka
3:45-5:30 p.m.: Dance Practice, Rap Performance, and Film Aesthetics:War and Visual Culture in Sri Lanka Part 2
Lisa Weems, Miami University
M.I.A.: Border Crossing and Transnational Girlhood Studies
M.I.A.: Border Crossing and Transnational Girlhood Studies
Nalin Jayasena, Miami University
Between the Spectral and the Spectacle: The Aesthetics of the Body in Asoka Handagama’s This is My Moon
Between the Spectral and the Spectacle: The Aesthetics of the Body in Asoka Handagama’s This is My Moon
Ahalya Satkunaratnam, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dance-making, Peacemaking: Dance and Performance in Post-War Sri Lanka
Dance-making, Peacemaking: Dance and Performance in Post-War Sri Lanka
Saturday, October 13,
8:30-10:15 a.m.: Getting Personal
Dhana Hughes, University of Oxford
The Violence of Youth: Narratives of Former Insurgents in Southern Sri Lanka
The Violence of Youth: Narratives of Former Insurgents in Southern Sri Lanka
Mihirini Sirisena, University of Edinburgh
What was the name again? Address forms and their implications among ayyas and nangis in love
What was the name again? Address forms and their implications among ayyas and nangis in love
Sidharthan Maunaguru, University of Edinburgh
Transnational marriages Transit Places and Tamil communities
Transnational marriages Transit Places and Tamil communities
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Democracy in South Asia: Looming Danger of Reverse Wave?
Arjun Guneratne, Macalester College
Authoritarianism, constitution-making and the demise of a liberal political system in Sri Lanka
Authoritarianism, constitution-making and the demise of a liberal political system in Sri Lanka
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Girlscapes of Globalizing South Asia: The Guardians of Girls
Sandya Hewamanne, Wake Forest University
Policing, Surveillance and Punishment for “Crisis of Love and Sex” among Sri Lanka’s Global Workers
Policing, Surveillance and Punishment for “Crisis of Love and Sex” among Sri Lanka’s Global Workers
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Making Merit, Fortifying the Nation: Ritual Currencies of Buddhist Nationalism in Sri Lanka
Daniel Kent, Whitman College
Protecting the Order: History and Nationalism in the Sri Lankan Army’s Annual Flag Blessing Ceremony
Protecting the Order: History and Nationalism in the Sri Lankan Army’s Annual Flag Blessing Ceremony
Nalika Gajaweera, University of California, Irvine
Enacting the Goodness of the Nation: Buddhist giving and humanitarianism in Sri Lanka
Enacting the Goodness of the Nation: Buddhist giving and humanitarianism in Sri Lanka
Neena Mahadev, Johns Hopkins University
An Emergent and Contested Theravāda Buddhist Messianism
An Emergent and Contested Theravāda Buddhist Messianism
1:45-3:30 p.m.: The Lessons of Ronit Ricci’s “Islam Translated” for the Study of Sri Lanka and South Asia
Anne Blackburn, Cornell University
Traces of Circulation: Lanka/Sihala in Mainland Southeast Asian Buddhist Literary Production, 1300-1600
Traces of Circulation: Lanka/Sihala in Mainland Southeast Asian Buddhist Literary Production, 1300-1600
Charles Hallisey, Harvard University
‘Cosmopolis’ as a Critical Term for the Historical Study of Sri Lanka and South Asia
‘Cosmopolis’ as a Critical Term for the Historical Study of Sri Lanka and South Asia
Jonathan Spencer, University of Edinburgh
Islam Translated, Lanka Decentred: Reflections on history and ethnography
Islam Translated, Lanka Decentred: Reflections on history and ethnography
Ronit Ricci, Australian National University
From Java to Jaffna: on Malay history and writing in Sri Lanka
From Java to Jaffna: on Malay history and writing in Sri Lanka
1:45-3:30 p.m.: Girlscapes in Globalizing South Asia: On the Vicissitudes of Doing Girl Differently
Jeanne Marecek, Swarthmore College
Chandanie Senadheera, Ruhuna Medical Faculty (co-author)
Recuperating Respectability: Sri Lankan Daughters and Mothers in the Aftermath of Self-Harm
Chandanie Senadheera, Ruhuna Medical Faculty (co-author)
Recuperating Respectability: Sri Lankan Daughters and Mothers in the Aftermath of Self-Harm
Sunday, October 14, 8:30-10:15 a.m.
8:30-10:15 a.m.: Cities, Space and Infrastructure
Nihal Perera, Ball State University (Chair)
People’s Spaces: Familiarizing Colonial Colombo
People’s Spaces: Familiarizing Colonial Colombo
Sanjeewani Habarakada , Ball State University
A World Heritage: The Inhabitants’ Galle Fort
A World Heritage: The Inhabitants’ Galle Fort
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Law, Society and Violence
Ari Ariyaratne, Heartland Community College / College of DuPage
Community and Disunity: Competing Discourses of Authority and Belonging in a Sri Lankan Village
Community and Disunity: Competing Discourses of Authority and Belonging in a Sri Lankan Village
10:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Music and Changing Social Contexts
Garrett Field, Wesleyan University
Situating Sinhala Song in Twentieth Century Sri Lanka
Situating Sinhala Song in Twentieth Century Sri Lanka
source: AISLS
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