“NASA Earth Observatory images of flooding in Sri Lanka in late May 2017″by Joshua Stevens

Torrential rains caused severe flooding in Sri Lanka in late May 2017. After more than 48 hours of nonstop rain, water levels rose rapidly in the country’s south, spurring emergency evacuations in multiple districts.

On May 28, 2017, the MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) on the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 satellite captured a false-color image of the flood. An earlier image taken on January 29, 2017, by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 shows the same area before the waters rose. Both images were made with visible and infrared light (OLI bands 6-5-3 and MSI bands 11-8-3) to distinguish the presence of water on the ground.

Matara was among the hardest hit towns. Low-lying areas around the Nilwala Ganga River (in blue) also have been submerged.

In many areas, flooding has contaminated wells and tainted water supplies. Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ravi Karunanayake said his country has received medicine and relief supplies from at least a dozen countries, according to reporting by Al Jazeera. Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Center reported more than half a million people have been affected by the flooding. Search and rescue operations are underway.

to read more: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=90322&src=iotdrss

“3 Maps to understand Sri Lanka’s Minority-Majority divide in today’s vote” by The Republic Square

Trois cartes qui donnent à comprendre un peu de la complexité ethno-religieuse du Sri Lanka.

As personalities, both President Mahinda Rajapaksa and common candidate Maithripala Sirisena appeals to the same rural Sinhala vote base. Their political coalitions however means that candidate Maithripala will draw in the majority of the votes from the minority communities, while President Rajapska is expected to win in bulk of the areas where there is a Sinhala-Buddhist Majority.

The South Asia blog has helpfully developed three maps that visualizes the geographic ethnic distribution which may resemble their vote when Sri Lankans go to the polls today.

via: http://www.therepublicsquare.com/…/3-maps-to-understand-ma…/

Cartes géologiques de Sri Lanka par André Louchet

André Louchet, Professeur de géographie à l’université Paris-Sorbonne, nous fait l’amitié de partager une série de cartes géologiques des différentes régions de Sri Lanka qu’il a dessiné.


La carte géologique de la région de Jaffna


Agrandissement de la légende de la carte de la région de Jaffna


La carte de la région d’Anuradhapura


La carte géologique de la région de Batticaloa


La carte topographique de la région de Galle

Agrandissement de la légende de la carte de la région de Galle

La carte géologique de la région d’Hambantota

La carte géologique de la région de Trincomalee


La carte géologique de la région de Colombo.