APPEL À CONTRIBUTION : Le numéro 4 de la revue DESI (Diaspora : Études des singularités indiennes) sera consacré à la problématique de la rencontre dans le cinéma diasporique sud-asiatique : Afghanistan, Inde, Pakistan, Népal, Bangladesh et Sri Lanka.

APPEL À CONTRIBUTION : Le numéro 4 de la revue DESI
(Diaspora : Études des singularités indiennes)
sera consacré à la problématique de la rencontre dans le cinéma diasporique sud-asiatique : Afghanistan, Inde, Pakistan, Népal, Bangladesh et Sri Lanka.

Les articles seront sélectionnés selon un processus de blind peer-to-peer review par le comité international de la revue.
La langue de publication est le français ou l’anglais.

Date limite de réception des propositions : 30 septembre 2017
Info : Paul Veyret

44th Annual Conference on South Asia (Madison): CFP and new website

Dear Past participants, Attendees, and all interested in the conference:

Yesterday, we launched the new Annual Conference on South Asia website, and as can be expected with new endeavors, glitches arise quickly. Some have contacted the conference organizers about login issues, and we thank you all for your patience and cooperation in helping us get the website running smoothly. Working with our tech support contacts, we have resolved some of the issues.

If you have bookmarked the Annual Conference on South Asia website, your internet browser may not show you the updated site, so you either need to clear your cache or history or press SHIFT and Refresh page. Please keep in mind, we are still developing parts of the site, so you will notice changes frequently to content, but not to the general layout or user profile system.

To log in to the new system, please read the instructions below:

  • If you have registered for the Annual Conference on South Asia in the past, your email address should already be in the user database system, so all you need to do is RESET your password. A link will be emailed to you to reset. If your email is already in the system, when you choose to reset your password, it should recognize your email. If it does not recognize your email, you are not yet in the system.
  • If you have never registered for the Annual Conference on South Asia, you should CREATE a new account.
  • Once you have logged in, either by resetting your password or creating a new account, you can update your profile information. If you have an existing account because of past participation, you still need to update your profile information once you log in.

PLEASE REVIEW NEW SUBMISSION POLICIES: We have detailed the new policies for individual and panel submissions on the website here. Reminder: Preconference proposals are now decided on a competitive basis. The site is open to preconference submissions at this time.

CALL FOR PAPERS: A reminder that the call for papers was also sent yesterday:

The theme of this year’s conference is trust.

Intangible yet essential, trust helps scholars gain insight into the lived experience of others. From anthropology to journalism and oral history to religious studies, trust sits at the heart of scholars’ interpretive work and credibility. More broadly, its absence between individuals and communities–ethnic or religious, linguistic or gendered–permeates the literature, economics, politics, and history of South Asia.

We welcome panels that explore the theme and its opposite in relation to a wide variety of methodologies, locations, texts and practices. We also encourage proposal submissions that do not address the conference theme.

Again, we thank you all for your patience as the conference continues to grow, and as always, we appreciate the support of all participants and attendees each year.

If any major changes to system occur, we will send an email with instructions to help troubleshoot any errors you might encounter. Please distribute this message to relevant email lists.

Visit the AISLS web site at:
Unsubscribe or change your email address:
Post to the AISLS list-serve:

Appel à contributions – « Frontières et mobilités des hommes et des idées en Asie » JE Jeunes Chercheur.e.s en Etudes Asiatiques

Nous vous rappelons que les 26 et 27 mai prochains, à l’Université de Bordeaux, auront lieu les Journées d’Etudes des Jeunes Chercheurs en Etudes Asiatiques autour de la thématique suivante « Frontières et mobilités des hommes et des idées en Asie ». Vous trouverez l’appel à communications en pièce jointe, la date limite pour soumettre un résumé est le 15 février 2015. Les intervenants pourront bénéficier d’une prise en charge de leurs déplacements, dans la limite du budget disponible, grâce au soutien du GIS Asie et de l’Université de Bordeaux.

Nous vous remercions d’avance de bien vouloir faire suivre cet appel par le biais de vos réseaux. En espérant vous retrouver nombreux!

Bien cordialement,


Le comité d’organisation scientifique des Journées d’Etudes des Jeunes Chercheurs en Etudes Asiatiques

Luc Benaiche, Aurélia Desplain, Gwennaël Gaffric et Hou Renyou

Appel à contributions – Journées doctorales Asie du sud de Ecole doctorale de Sciences-Po, le Ceri (Paris) et le CSH (Delhi), 17-19 juin.

Noria South Asia est heureux d’organiser les premières journées doctorales internationales dédiées à l’Asie du sud, à Paris.

Ces journées sont organisées en partenariat avec l’Ecole doctorale de Sciences-Po, le Ceri (Paris) et le CSH (Delhi). Elles se tiendront les 17, 18 et 19 juin 2015.

Veuillez trouver en pièce jointe l’appel à contribution (en anglais) et noter que la date limite de soumission des papiers est fixée au 15 mars 2015.

N’hésitez pas à partager et diffuser cet appel autour de vous.


Call for papers: 5th Sri Lanka Graduate Conference, Stanford 7-8 November 2014

The Conference Committee are happy to announce the 5th Sri Lanka Graduate Conference and welcome all submissions. Please see the call for papers below.

Sri Lanka Otherwise? Resituating Topography and Temporality

2014 Sri Lanka Graduate Conference

The 2014 Sri Lanka Graduate Conference will be held on November 7th and 8th at the Center for South Asia at Stanford University. The conference is co-funded by the American Institute for Sri Lankan Studies and the Center for South Asia, Stanford. As with the four previous graduate conferences, this workshop will bring together graduate students both in the final writing up stage and pre-research/planning stages from a variety of disciplines and institutions. The graduate conference aims to enhance intellectual exchange on Sri Lanka; emphasize the production of empirical and non-sectarian knowledge; focus attention on recent transformations of key concepts; strengthen and build a new cohort of researchers across disciplines and institutions; and strengthen relationships between American graduate students and local intellectual circles in Sri Lanka.

For 2014, our conference is titled “Sri Lanka Otherwise? Resituating Topography and Temporality.” In keeping with the term, “otherwise”, we suggest a speculative theme for this year. “Otherwise” suggests we ask ourselves what it would be like to think in circumstances different than those present or considered. Current academic, political and policy debates across the political spectrum in Sri Lanka are concerned with speculating about Sri Lanka’s pasts and futures, and with re-envisioning its spaces. We suggest that contributors to the conference either present papers that put forward different ways of thinking about Sri Lanka’s spaces and temporal schemas, or, soberly examine the current mode of speculation. What might a different spatiotemporal imagination produce, if, for example, we stop thinking of Sri Lanka as an island unto itself? What are the spatiotemporal orders that anchor dominant tropes? What kinds of futures and pasts are being narrated, hoped for, described, and implemented, and, what do we as scholars have to say about this? We welcome papers across a range of disciplines and time periods.

The workshop will take place over 2 days. On November 7th, the first session will include a small closed pre-dissertation development seminar for selected participants (see below for details). We will also be holding a special session in memoriam of the distinguished anthropologist of South and South-East Asia, Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah. On November 8th we will host three student panels.

Our call for papers invites three sets of participants. Firstly, paper and panel proposals for the three student panels. Panel proposals and single papers proposals are due on October 8th.  Secondly, we invite participants to apply for the pre-dissertation development seminar. This seminar is to assist graduate students in developing their research projects and will be a closed session for 4-5 participants. Students in Masters and PhD programs across the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply. Those interested in the Pre-dissertation Development Seminar should email a 300-word explanation of your interests and why you would like to participate by October 8th. Those who wish to participate in the conference without presenting must send expressions of their interest by October 11th. We have limited funding for travel.

Please send your proposals and inquiries with “Sri Lanka Graduate Student Workshop” in the subject line to Sharika Thiranagama, at

Call for Papers: The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities (Volume 40, Nos. 1 & 2, 2014)

We are currently accepting submissions for The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, Volume 40, Nos. 1 & 2 (in the form of research articles, essays/review articles, book reviews, notes, communications, and opinion pieces) in disciplines that traditionally fall within the domain of Humanities as well as innovative submissions on other interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary subjects/topics.  Whether an article “belongs” in SLJH or not will be determined by the Editorial Board of SLJH on a case-by-case basis.

Detailed instructions regarding the submission of papers and type of submissions acceptable are available with the Editors and the Managing Editor.  Please feel free to contact them at for an e-version of instructions.  Authors are welcome to submit papers on-line by writing to the SLJH email address.  Please provide all author-related information on a separate coversheet to help facilitate the double-blind review process of the Journal.  Papers will be reviewed by two people with recognized expertise in the relevant field/s.  Authors will be informed of the decision and, where applicable, forwarded the review reports, within two months from the date of submission.


Prof. C Wickramagamage                                     Dr Ramila Usoof-Thowfeek

Editor, SLJH                                                                Associate Editor, SLJH

Department of English                                            Department of Philosophy & Psychology

University of Peradeniya                                        University of Peradeniya

Call for Submissions “Write to Reconcile” by 21st February 2014″ by The National Peace Council

Write to Reconcile is a creative writing project undertaken by The National Peace Council, in conjunction with the internationally renowned Sri Lankan author, Shyam Selvadurai, who will serve as Project Director. The aim of the project is to bring together emerging Sri Lankan writers who are interested in writing creative pieces (fiction, memoir or poetry) on the issues of conflict, peace, reconciliation, memory and trauma, as they relate to Sri Lanka or the Sri Lankan diaspora. Write to Reconcile seeks to develop a community of like-minded individuals committed to contributing, through their writing, to the process of peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka; a community of individuals committed to also reflecting the different points of views from the multiple communities that make up Sri Lanka and its diaspora.

Write to Reconcile will be conducted in English. It is open to all applicants who have Sri Lankan or dual citizenship, as well as members of the Sri Lankan diaspora who has at least one parent who is of Sri Lankan origin. It will consist of 1 eight-day Residential Workshops and two Online Forums, followed by the publication of the participants’ work in an anthology at a book launch.

Press release –
Application form –


“Opportunity to get involved with Roots of Diaspora project” by Sinthujan Varatharajah

Interested in becoming involved with Roots of Diaspora? Here’s one option how to: Become a story collector for Roots of Diaspora for 2014. As a collector, you’d be in charge of scouting interviewees and conducting the interviews with Tamil refugees and migrants (or supervising them if they are between parents – child/ren or other relatives). You’ll liaise with interviewees and the editors, be able to do follow up interviews and pass on the raw interview material to the latter. Our editorial team will from thereon be in charge of writing up these stories. As a collector, you’d ideally be able to speak (or at least understand) Tamil (not necessary if interviews can be conducted in a second language; you don’t need to be ethnically Tamil to be involved as a collector), be commited to the work load and submit your interview results according to schedule (a submission schedule will be given to you in accordance to your availabilities). Each collector is expected to submit 2 to maximum 3 stories in 2014 (can vary according to need). Since we’re trying to diversify our intake, origin of stories, migratory content, we’re especially, but not exclusively, interested in collectors from Scandinavia, Southern and Eastern Europe, West Asia (also known as the “Middle East”), South Asia (esp. India), Southeast Asia, all of Africa, South America and Australia. If you aren’t based there, but have relatives, friends and other connections to any of these places, feel encouraged to become part of this project. We are, however, interested in all stories of migration and refuge, so if you think you are best suited for regions that weren’t mentioned in the above, please don’t hesitate and get in touch with us as well. Stories from all walks of life and places are of value and interest to us. As this project is run a voluntary basis, no pay can unfortunately be offered. If you can’t commit to becoming a collector, but have stories to share or know people who have stories to share, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We appreciate your help. For further information or enquiries, contact us under: or

access to  Roots of Diaspora‘s facebook page


Call for papers: “Feminist Interventions, South Asia by the Bay”, A Graduate Student Conference, University of California Santa Cruz, May 2-3, 2014

MAY 2-3, 2014, UCSC
This conference seeks to explore the interrelated, epistemological frameworks of gender studies and area studies in the multiple articulations of what constitutes the subjects and studies of the terrain of ?South-Asia.? We are particularly interested in work that builds on feminist theory to extend histories of regions via a discussion of translation, diaspora, migration, militarism and nationalism, to name a select few. Papers that highlight gender and sexuality as constitutive to regional formations are especially welcome. While the conference will be open to the public, it is primarily designed to create a much-needed space for connecting conversations between graduate students working on issues of gender within South Asia. With that goal in mind, the conference will be
organized along the lines of a seminar with an emphasis on dialogue and critical exchange. Travel and lodging subsidies will be provided to all participants.


Submission Deadline is JANUARY 30, 2014

PLEASE SEND ALL ABSTRACTS TO Professor Anjali Arondekar:

Dr. Anjali Arondekar
Associate Professor
Department of Feminist Studies
Humanities Bldg. 1
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Tel: (831)459-4748 (Voicemail)

Call for papers: “Contemporary Approaches to the Analysis of Dalit Literature”, an international conference at Nottingham Trent University, UK, on 23-24 June 2014.

The Centre for Postcolonial Studies at Nottingham Trent University, UK, in collaboration with the research centre EMMA at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France, is in the process of creating an international academic network which will enable a multi-disciplinary dialogue on Indian literature produced by Dalits (formerly known as Untouchables) by hosting a series of workshops and conferences on the production, translation, dissemination and analysis of Dalit literature. The international conference on “Contemporary Approaches to the Analysis of Dalit Literature” is the first conference of the series.

Dalit literature is the most significant development in Indian literature in the last three decades, which has received surprisingly little attention from academics outside India. This conference seeks to bring together scholars in the field of literary and cultural studies, postcolonial studies, South Asian literatures, history and cultures and translation studies to discuss this fascinating corpus of literary texts.

We invite papers that explore and delineate the analytical methods that are currently employed in the study of Dalit literature and point to areas that need to be researched in greater detail or new theoretical and critical approaches that should be employed in the analysis of the often experimental and innovative literary and aesthetic features of Dalit literature.
Confirmed keynote speakers are K. Satyanarayana (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad), the co-editor of the two-volume anthology on South Indian Dalit literature, No Alphabet in Sight and Steel Nibs Are Sprouting (Penguin, 2011-13), and M.S.S. Pandian (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), the author of Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present (Permanent Black, 2007/2008) and co-editor of Muslims, Dalits and Fabrications of History: Subaltern Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society, vol. 12 (Permanent Black, 2005).

Please send abstracts of paper proposals of up to 300 words to Dr Nicole Thiara ( and Dr Judith Misrahi-Barak ( by January 30, 2014.
Notification of acceptance will be given by March 30, 2014.

Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics,18-22 January 2014, Kerala Agricultural University

SANDEE and the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics, Kerala Agricultural University -A Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
18-22 January 2014 | Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India

Concept Note Submission Deadline is 10th Dec 2013
The Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) and the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) are jointly organizing a Research and Writing Workshop in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics during January 18 – 22, 2014 at the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics in Vellanikkara, Thrissur District. The aim of this workshop is to build research capacity in the area of environment and resource economics in South India and Sri Lanka. The objectives of the workshop are to develop research proposal writing skills among researchers beginning to work on the economics of environmental problems; to introduce researchers to current policy concerns and research themes related to environment and development across South Asia. The workshop will provide an opportunity for South Indian and Sri Lankan researchers, interested in the field of environmental and natural resource economics to become more familiar with research concepts and techniques. International and local experts will conduct the workshop.

The workshop will provide practical training where participants first identify research issues and then develop research concepts into research proposals under the guidance and assistance of resource persons. It will enable participants to strengthen skills related to logically developing research ideas, examining and drawing from known literature, assessing data availability and adequacy for answering research questions, and improving presentation skills. Resource persons will provide technical inputs on individual research concepts identified by participants.

A total of 12-14 participants will be invited to participate in the Workshop based on Concept Notes submitted by the participants. Participants will initially present their research concepts to peers and receive comments. Reading some new research papers and informal consultation with experts will follow. The candidates will have to present a modified version of the research concept again based on these discussions, which will help them shape a complete proposal for submitting to SANDEE or other funding/training agencies.

PhD or Master’s Degree in Economics or any field of Applied Economics with minimum two years of research or teaching experience is essential. Candidates with a PhD or working towards or with future plans for a Ph.D. degree are encouraged.
Interest in research and teaching related to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.
Women, mid-career applicants are encouraged to apply.
Quantitative skills and previous research experience would be helpful.
Researchers from institutions in South India and Sri Lankan are eligible to apply.
Multi-disciplinary teams of two are eligible and encouraged.
Requirements for Application
Apply with a short CV [no more than 2 pages] and a cover letter (no more than 250 words) expressing research interest
A three page concept note [as per the attached guidelines] should be submitted

Key research topics for the concept note include: a) Climate change mitigation and adaptation, b) management of ecosystem services and c) Policy instruments for greener growth and the economics of, green technology adoption.


Apply directly to Dr P. Indira Devi at with a copy to by 10th Dec 2013.
The quality of the concept


CFP: Regional Conference “United Nations Peacekeeping: South Asian Perspectives”

Together, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka account for approximately one-third of the total number of police, troops and military experts currently deployed in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations. Of the 116 countries that provide such personnel support to UN missions, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India are the top three contributors. Further, two out of the 16 ongoing UN peace operations are based in the South Asian Region, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the long-standing United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP). In spite of their substantive engagement, South Asian countries – individually and collectively – are yet to develop an organic vocabulary that reflects the needs, interests and cultural particularities of South Asia. Here, academic research reflects international practice. Just as the mandate for UN peacekeeping ostensibly comes from the Global North, and especially the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the academic terms of discourse have been dominated by research conducted in Western Europe and North America.

The conference aims to address this gap in peacekeeping research, and potentially provide insights for policymaking in this arena. It would bring together scholars and practitioners to collectively reflect upon South Asian experiences of UN peacekeeping and to examine the following set of questions relevant for theory-building and policymaking in the region:

  1. What is the value of regional (South Asian) perspectives on UN peacekeeping?
  2. Why do South Asian countries take part in UN peacekeeping, and to what extent – and how well – are they able to both contribute to major policy decisions on peacekeeping at the UN and fulfill the mandate of specific peace operations?
  3. How does the South Asian experience of UN peacekeeping compare with African, South American, Scandinavian and other regional experiences?
  4. What does or might a South Asian critique of contemporary UN peacekeeping entail?
  5. How well have South Asian countries adapted to the changing nature of UN peacekeeping, and to what extent are they able or willing to continue/strengthen their contributions to UN peacekeeping?
  6. What is the rationale behind initiatives such as all-female formed police units pioneered by India and Bangladesh in UN peacekeeping?
  7. To what extent do national and regional factors impact upon South Asian contributions to UN peacekeeping?
  8. Is there is a South Asian vision for UN peacekeeping? If so, what are its characteristics and how can this vision be realized? If not, why not and what are the political consequences of such ambivalence?
  9. How has South Asian contribution to UN peace operations been theorized in peacekeeping scholarship? What are the key scholarly assumptions and implications?
  10. Which theoretical approaches in the Social Sciences are particularly well placed to examine, understand and explain South Asian engagement with UN peacekeeping?

The Department of International Relations, South Asian University, in association with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, invites paper proposals for a regional conference on United Nations Peacekeeping: South Asian Perspectives to be held in New Delhi on March 1, 2014. The conference seeks to address the current imbalance between the robust participation of South Asian countries in UN peace operations and the paucity of scholarly research on peacekeeping in the region. To facilitate an interdisciplinary conversation, contributions from fields other than International Relations are also encouraged.

Paper abstracts should be between 350 – 500 words in length, and broadly relate to the themes identified in the conference note. The abstract should be sent in the text of the email (and not as an attachment) to Please include the title of the paper and your full contact details in the email. Deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday, November 4, 2013. Selected participants would be informed by the end of November. Full papers would be due on Monday, January 20, 2014. The conference will take place in South Asian University, Akbar Bhawan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India.

The organizers aim to get select articles published in a peer-reviewed volume. We will offer support (limited) for travel and accommodation expenses. If you have any questions or seek further information, please contact Dr. Soumita Basu at:
