Archives de catégorie : Colloques, séminaires, etc
Projection/débat autour du court-métrage “Unlock”, dimanche 6 mai à 18h, Grand Rex
keynote lectures for crafts conference “Tradition or Trans/formation? Craft, Practice and Discourse”, Jaffna, 10 May
You are cordially invited to the inauguration of a International interdisciplinary trilingual conference on craft
Tradition or Trans/formation? Craft, Practice and Discourse
Organized by
The Department of Fine Arts, University of Jaffna in collaboration with
American Institute for Lankan Studies, Colombo
Lanka Decorative Arts, Colombo
Sri Lankan Archive for Contemporary Art, Architecture and Design, Jaffna
10thMay 2018 at 3.00 pm
Jaffna Public library Auditorium
“Transformation at the heart of tradition: A history of the institutionalization
of craft in South Asia”
Anais Da Fonseca (Tate Research Center: Asia, London)
Vishwakarma craftsmen, guilds and caste issues in Pre- Colonial South India
Vijaya Ramaswamy (Centre for Historical studies, JNU, New Delhi)
“Pathways to Leadership: Perspectives from Accomplished Women Leaders from from the Legal Field” Panel discussion organized by USAID, at The Royal Mall (Kandy), on 10th May 2018
Notable women lawyers speak about the challenges they faced in their professional and personal journeys to success and how they overcame these hurdles. Panel discussion followed by a networking event
Thursday, 10th May 2018, 2.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m. at The Royal Mall (No. 18/903, William Goppallawa Mawatha, Kandy)
Email or call on 11 257 5603/4 to confirm participation (limited seating available)
Download the flyer: Flyer – Pathways to Leadership – KANDY
Table ronde et projection sur la guerre sri lankaise, mercredi 28 mars à 17h, INALCO
Film Screening of “DEMONS IN PARADISE” at ICES Auditorium, on 8th August 2017, at 4.30PM
Sri Lanka, 1983: Jude Ratnam was five years old. He fled the massacre of the Tamils instigated by the majority-Sinhalese government on a red train.
Now a filmmaker, he takes the same train from the south to the north of the island.
As he advances, the traces of violence left by the 26-year-old war, which turned the Tamil’s fight for freedom into self-destructive terrorism, pass before his eyes.
Reminiscing about the fighters and Tamil Tigers, he unveils the repressed memories of his compatriots, opening the door to a new era and making peace possible again.
Demons in Paradise is the result of 10 years of work. For the first time, a Tamil documentary filmmaker living in Sri Lanka is showing the civil war from the inside.
“Sinhala Song, Poetry, and Politics in Tweentieth-Century Sri Lanka, 1958-1964” Public lecture by Garrett Field at The American Center Colombo, on July 6th 2017
“Where is the Conscience of Human Rights?”, Monthly Academic Circle of the Department of Social Studies (OUSL), 19th June 2017 at 2.30 p.m. at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala
Monthly Academic Circle
Department of Social Studies (OUSL)
Invites You for a Talk and Panel Discussion
Where is the Conscience of Human Rights?
Prof. Tobias Kelly, The University of Edinburgh
[Tobias Kelly teaches social anthropology at the School of Social and Political Science,
University of Edinburgh, and is coeditor of Traitors: Suspicion, Intimacy, and the Ethics
of State-Building].
Dr. Deepika Udagama (Chairperson, Human Rights Commission)
Professor Jonathan Spencer (The University of Edinburgh)
Dr. Farzana Haniffa (University of Colombo)
Moderator: Dr Sepalika Welikala (Open University of Sri Lanka)
Date and Time:
19th June 2017 at 2.30 p.m.
Faculty Board Room
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka,
Contact for more info: Athula (0712279246/
Cycle de conférences “Mondes tamouls” Première journée d’études à l’INALCO, le vendredi 16 juin 2017
En France, l’enseignement de la langue tamoule est dispensé depuis 1868 à l’Inalco, alors appelé l’Ecole impériale des langues orientales. Aujourd’hui, l’Inalco est un des rares grands établissements publics européens où l’on peut apprendre cette langue dravidienne. Notre ambition est de nous inscrire dans la continuité de cette tradition d’enseignement et de valoriser l’apprentissage de cette langue en association avec les recherches en sciences humaines et sociales. L’enseignement à l’Inalco, actuellement orienté vers toutes les formes de la langue tamoule (classique, contemporaine, écrite et orale), permet un accès direct aux sources autant écrites qu’orales.
Pour favoriser le développement des études tamoules et pour replacer l’Inalco au cœur de l’enseignement du tamoul en association avec la recherche, nous mettons en place un cycle de conférences scientifiques annuel intitulé « Mondes tamouls », qui prendra la forme de journées d’études.
Ce projet, sur le long terme, a trois objectifs principaux : donner une visibilité aux recherches liées au domaine tamoul, initier et intéresser les étudiants en Licence et Master aux divers objets de recherche et mettre en place des collaborations institutionnelles et internationales.
Le thème retenu pour la première journée d’études, qui aura lieu le vendredi 16 juin 2017, est « Tamoul : regards pluridisciplinaires ». Cette première édition, introductive et générale, a vocation à réunir à l’Inalco des chercheurs et enseignants de différentes disciplines, travaillant sur le domaine tamoul et membres de diverses équipes de recherche nationales pour présenter l’état actuel de la recherche française.
Organisation et contact :
Uthaya Veluppillai (
Table ronde sur Sri Lanka à Edimbourg
Une table ronde consacrée à la situation politique et sociale actuelle de Sri Lanka est organisée à Edimbourg le 26 et 27 mai 2016 par Jonathan Spencer, professeur d’anthropologie à l’Université.
Nous reproduisons ci-dessous le programme provisoire de ces journées d’étude:
Sri Lanka Roundtable (DRAFT PROGRAMME)
Edinburgh 26-27 May, 2016
Thursday 26 May, Techcube, Summerhall (t.b.c)
9.00-9.15 Introduction and welcome
9.15-11.00 Youth and war Isabelle Clark-Decès (Princeton), Youth in the cultural politics of contemporary Jaffna
Dhana Hughes (Durham), Sinhala Youth and Military Enlistment
Giacomo Mantovan (CEIAS/CRH, EHESS) “They were kings…” The farewell to arms of former Tamil Tiger fighters in exile in France
Giyani Venya De Silva (Oxford) Living with continuity, waiting for change: commentaries from students in Colombo
11.00-11.15 Coffee
11.15-12.45 Gender Asha Abeysekera (Colombo) Balancing Modernity and Morality in the Sinhala-Buddhist Family Exploring the Rhetoric of Sinhala-Buddhist Nationalism
Kristine Hoglund (Uppsalla) Gender and the Pursuit of Justice in Sri Lanka: Testimonies of Peace and Conflict
Jayanthi Lingam (SOAS) Gendered working lives in the post-war transition in Jaffna district, 2009-14
12.45-1.30 Lunch
1.30-3.00 Justice and Security Georg Frerks (Utrecht), Rajapakse’s Peace’: The President’s discourse on the post-war situation in Sri Lanka (2009-2015)
Ali Brown (Amsterdam), Human Security in the Era of Sirasena
Gerrit Kurtz (KCL), The evolution of post-war transitional justice in Sri Lanka
3.00-3.15 Tea
3.15-5.00 Transitional Justice and Constitutional Reform: State of Play and Future Prospects Harini Amarasuriya (Open University and Public Representations Committee on Constitutional reform), Alan Keenan (international Crisis Group), Asanga Welikala (CPA and University of Edinburgh), with Christine Bell (University of Edinburgh)
7.30 Dinner, Mother India, Infirmary Street
Friday 27 May, Seminar Rooms 1 and 2, Chrystal Macmillan Building
Please note, in the morning we will split the space to run parallel panels in the two rooms. In the afternoon, we will open up the two rooms for our final plenary sessions.
9.00-9.15 Introduction and welcome
9.15-10.45 Work and Livelihoods (Seminar Room 1) Urs Geiser (Zurich)The making of control over land in Wattamadu – local organisations, engaging the state, changing conjunctures
Charles Wilkinson and Maura van den Kommer
(Amsterdam) Living the Uncertainty: Exploring the Effects of the EU Ban on Sri Lankan Fisheries
Joeri Scholtens and Maarten Bavinck (Amsterdam) Facilitating change from the bottom-up? Reflections on civil society efforts to empower marginalized fishers in post-war Sri Lanka
Religion and transition (Seminar Room 2) Mahinda Deegalle (Bath Spa) The Vision and Leadership of the Architect of Yahapālanaya: Venerable Māduluwāwe Sobhita’s Exemplary Role in the Political Transition of Sri Lanka in 2015
Neena Mahadev (Max Planck) Notes on contemporary religio-economic linkages between Sri Lankan & Singapore
Dominic Esler (UCL) Northern Tamil society after the war: the revival of Catholic kūttu in Mannar
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-12.45 Work and Politics (Seminar Room 1) Sandya Hewamanne (Essex) Neoliberalism’s New Recruits: Tamil Workers, Human Rights Thrashings and ‘Mundane’ Politics in Post-War Sri Lanka
Mythri Jegathesan (Santa Clara) Is a progressive politics possible? Examining the contemporary intersections of industrial sustainability and political shifts in Sri Lanka’s plantation sector
Darshi Thoradeniya (Heidelberg/Colombo) Women Citizens in Welfare State of Sri Lanka
Past and present (Seminar Room 2) Deborah Winslow (NSF) Contexts of Caste
Alessandra Radicati (LSE) Precarious Patriots: Reflections on Past, Present and Future in a Coastal Community
Carolina Holgersson Ivarsson (Gothenburg), Religious identity, nationalism and social media among Sinhala-Buddhist youth
12.45-1.30 Lunch
1.30-3.30 Borders and Margins Vagisha Gunasekara,
Prashanthi Rasadhari Jayasekara,
Gayathri Hiroshani, Hallinne Lokuge,
Aftab Lall (Centre for Poverty Analysis, Colombo), Production of Marginality: Findings from a six-year research programme on basic services, social protection and livelihoods in the North and East
Jonathan Goodhand (SOAS/Melbourne), Vagisha Gunasekera (CEPA), Alice Kern (Zurich) and Thiruni Kelegama (Zurich), with Rajesh Venugopal (LSE), discussant, Sri Lanka’s borderlands and frontiers
3.30-3.45 Tea
3.45-5.30 Writing War and After Sunila Galappatti will read from her new book, A Long Watch: War, Captivity and Return in Sri Lanka, and V.V. (Sugi) Ganeshananthanan will read from her work in progress, The Missing are Considered Dead.
Also in attendance (participating but not presenting): Ashwini Vasanthakumar
(York), Dennis McGilvray (Colorado), Anne Blackburn (Cornell), Rose Fernando (Utrecht), Niels Terpstra (Utrecht), Eric Meyer (INALGO, Paris), Oivind Fuglerud (Oslo), R.L. (Jock) Stirrat (Sussex), Kanchana Ruwanpura (Edinburgh), Anthony Good (Edinburgh), Jonathan Spencer (Edinburgh), Sidharthan Maunaguru (NUS), Tanya Ekanayaka (Edinburgh), Deborah Menezes (Edinburgh)
Journée d’étude “Les religions des diasporas sud-asiatiques : transformations, étanchéités, cohabitations, syncrétismes”, le 6 octobre 2015, 8h30 à 17h00, organisé à l’UQÀM (Montréal) par le CERIAS et le CEIAS
Conversation with Shobasakthi and launch of his novel “Box” at Harrow
NYU Global South Asia Conference, 27–28 February
“The Future of Left Politics in Sri Lanka”
- V.V. Ganeshananthan (Bunting Fellow, Radcliffe/Harvard Univ.), “What Kind of Democracy? Rebuilding Citizenry”
- Fathima Cader (Law, Univ. of Windsor), “How the Light Gets In: Canvasing Muslim Politics in Contemporary Sri Lanka”
- Thushara Hewage (International Affairs, New School), “Anti-Corruption and the Left: Reflections on a Democratic Idiom”
- Kanishka Goonewardena (Geography, Univ. of Toronto), “A Note on the Sri Lankan Conjuncture: Electoral Politics, Social Movements, and Left Political Prospects”
- Moderator: Vasuki Nesiah, (Gallatin, NYU)
Visit the AISLS web site at:
44th Annual Conference on South Asia (Madison): CFP and new website
Dear Past participants, Attendees, and all interested in the conference:
Yesterday, we launched the new Annual Conference on South Asia website, and as can be expected with new endeavors, glitches arise quickly. Some have contacted the conference organizers about login issues, and we thank you all for your patience and cooperation in helping us get the website running smoothly. Working with our tech support contacts, we have resolved some of the issues.
If you have bookmarked the Annual Conference on South Asia website, your internet browser may not show you the updated site, so you either need to clear your cache or history or press SHIFT and Refresh page. Please keep in mind, we are still developing parts of the site, so you will notice changes frequently to content, but not to the general layout or user profile system.
To log in to the new system, please read the instructions below:
- If you have registered for the Annual Conference on South Asia in the past, your email address should already be in the user database system, so all you need to do is RESET your password. A link will be emailed to you to reset. If your email is already in the system, when you choose to reset your password, it should recognize your email. If it does not recognize your email, you are not yet in the system.
- If you have never registered for the Annual Conference on South Asia, you should CREATE a new account.
- Once you have logged in, either by resetting your password or creating a new account, you can update your profile information. If you have an existing account because of past participation, you still need to update your profile information once you log in.
PLEASE REVIEW NEW SUBMISSION POLICIES: We have detailed the new policies for individual and panel submissions on the website here. Reminder: Preconference proposals are now decided on a competitive basis. The site is open to preconference submissions at this time.
CALL FOR PAPERS: A reminder that the call for papers was also sent yesterday:
The theme of this year’s conference is trust.
Intangible yet essential, trust helps scholars gain insight into the lived experience of others. From anthropology to journalism and oral history to religious studies, trust sits at the heart of scholars’ interpretive work and credibility. More broadly, its absence between individuals and communities–ethnic or religious, linguistic or gendered–permeates the literature, economics, politics, and history of South Asia.
We welcome panels that explore the theme and its opposite in relation to a wide variety of methodologies, locations, texts and practices. We also encourage proposal submissions that do not address the conference theme.
Again, we thank you all for your patience as the conference continues to grow, and as always, we appreciate the support of all participants and attendees each year.
If any major changes to system occur, we will send an email with instructions to help troubleshoot any errors you might encounter. Please distribute this message to relevant email lists.
Visit the AISLS web site at:
Unsubscribe or change your email address:
Post to the AISLS list-serve:
Conference “Hindus and Others in Sri Lanka and in the Diaspora”, organised by CEIAS and CERIAS, Paris, February 17th
The Center for South Asian Studies of Paris (CEIAS, UMR 8564 EHESS/CNRS) and the Center for Studies and Research on India, South Asia and its Diaspora of Montréal (CERIAS/UQÀM), jointly organise a Conference on “Hindus and Others in Sri Lanka and in the Diaspora” on 17 February 2015, in Paris.
You will find below the poster, a summary and the program.
Contacts /organization : Mathieu Claveyrolas ( ; Delon Madavan ( ; Pierre-Yves Trouillet (
Mathieu Claveyrolas is a anthropologist, permanent research fellow at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
Delon Madavan is a geographer, Post Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Studies and Research on India, South Asia and its Diaspora of Montréal (CERIAS/UQÀM) and associate researcher fellow at Center for South Asian Studies of Paris (CEIAS, UMR 8564 EHESS/CNRS)
Pierre-Yves Trouillet is a geographer, permanent research fellow at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).