Call for editors for a Sri Lanka volume of new writing in English

Following the publication of five anthologies of new writing in English from around the world in its World Englishes Literature
(Fiction) series (WELF), CCC Press is now calling for an editor(s) of a Sri Lanka volume of new writing.

The WELF series focuses on the production of new writing in English, specifically new World Englishes fiction – a term which is defined in the introduction to each collection. The volumes are compilations of short stories which range from 3,000 to 10,000 words in length, allowing a country’s writers to explore a variety of contemporary themes and concerns as well as exhibiting the linguistic diversity of the land in question. The imprint as a whole explores writing which is beyond the postcolonial. This stance diverges markedly from anthologies compiled using already published (and recognized) literature, as well as anthologies which are compiled from “the Western armchair”. Most of the writers presented in the anthologies will not be known to the Western reader and also possibly not even to many readers in their own countries. This is a basic aim of the series: to promote new, emerging writers, often unknown to the West, writers who have not been “endorsed” by Western publishing houses The WELF series has so far published anthologies of stories from Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and Malaysia and you can preview the World Englishes Literature series here: This editorial opportunity is particularly suited to those interested in the role of language in literature.

The deadline for applications is: 30 September 2013.
For full details and the application form, please see

Emma Dawson Varughese

source: AISLS

“Violence in the name of Buddhism” by Nik Martin

In Sri Lanka, one extremist Buddhist group (Bodu Bala Sena) has the support of Defense Minister Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. In Myanmar, one of the key people spreading hatred reportedly works in the office of President Thein Sein.

Ajarn Sivarsaksa told DW that this type of Buddhism, “whether in Sri Lanka and Burma now or in Japan in the past, identifies itself with nationalism which is very dangerous.”


“Mosque in Grandpass to be Relocated in One Month due to Protest Campaign by Ravana Balaya” by D.B.S.Jeyaraj

Muslim community and Religious leaders have agreed to relocate a Mosque on Swarna Chaitiya road in the Grandpass area of Colombo in one month’s time due to an intensive protest campaign by the“Ravana Balaya” (Ravana Force)

The sequence of events relating to this “forced relocation”demonstrates a very high degree of extreme intolerance and hatred by the Ravana Balaya and the perceived collaboration of the Buddha Sasana ministry in the sordid exercise.Although the beleaguered Muslim community had tried very hard to be flexible and accommodating on this issue by suggesting reasonable alternatives the ethno religious fascists had demanded nothing less than a total relocation.


“Sri Lankan Buddhists to carry out the law” by AlJazeeraEnglish

There’s growing tension between hardline buddhists and Muslims and Christians. A group of Buddhist organizations in Sri Lanka says they will have to take the law into their own hands to protect the Sinhala Buddhist way of life. They say authorities are not doing enough, leaving them little choice. Al Jazeera’s Minelle Fernandez reports from Colombo.


sources: AlJazeeraEnglish and Youtube

“Lankan Muslims and Their Image Problem” by Raashid Riza

Very regrettably, When atrocities of the LTTE stole the image of an educated and upwardly mobile Tamil community, and when violent escapades of Buddhist extremism is distorting the pristine image of the Sinhalese, it is both whimsical and flippant of the Doctor to think that Sri Lankan Muslims are plagued by an image problem.


“Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims?” by Alan Strathern

Of all the moral precepts instilled in Buddhist monks the promise not to kill comes first, and the principle of non-violence is arguably more central to Buddhism than any other major religion. So why have monks been using hate speech against Muslims and joining mobs that have left dozens dead?

This is happening in two countries separated by well over 1,000 miles of Indian Ocean – Burma and Sri Lanka. It is puzzling because neither country is facing an Islamist militant threat. Muslims in both places are a generally peaceable and small minority.

In Sri Lanka, the issue of halal slaughter has been a flashpoint. Led by monks, members of the Bodu Bala Sena – the Buddhist Brigade – hold rallies, call for direct action and the boycotting of Muslim businesses, and rail against the size of Muslim families.”



L’armée sri lankaise réprime violemment une manifestation pacifique

L’armée sri lankaise déployée dans des localités proches de Colombo, à Weliweriya, a réprimé très violemment (3 morts selon les sources officielles, plusieurs dizaines de blessés) une manifestation pacifique de villageois cingalais se plaignant qu’une usine locale de gants de caoutchouc ait cessé de traiter ses effluents toxiques, rendant ainsi l’approvisionnement d’eau de la zone impropre à la consommation. Le frère du Président, Gotabhaya Rajapakse, est tenu pour responsable de cette répression menée par les unités qui ont écrasé les LTTE en mai 2009. De nombreux observateurs notent que ces violences interviennent exactement trente ans après les massacres anti-tamouls de juillet 1983 qui sont à l’origine de la guerre civile qui a ensanglanté le pays, ajoutent que cette fois le gouvernement s’en prend à des Cingalais et risque de perdre l’appui de la majorité que lui avait valu sa victoire sur les LTTE.

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