Conférence: “Hinduism Abroad : Contacts, Politics, Transnationalism”, 10 juin, au CEIAS à Paris

Le Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (UMR 8564 CNRS-EHESS) a le plaisir de vous convier à la deuxième séance de l’atelier de recherche « Les Hindous, les Autres et l’’Ailleurs: Asie du Sud et Diaspora » qui aura lieu le mardi 10 juin, de 9h30 à 16h, en salle 638.

hindouism abroad.indd

Il s’agit d’une conférence internationale portant sur le thème “Hinduism Abroad : Contacts, Politics, Transnationalism” dont vous trouverez le programme ci-dessous.

Hinduism can be considered a historical point of contact between various religious traditions. Countless situations of contacts with other religious groups have left their marks on Hinduism, contradicting its ethnic dimension many scholars have focused on.
Such relevance of contact in the history of Hinduism is well known in South Asia but must also be analyzed in diasporic contexts.
The aim of this conference is precisely to initiate a discussion on how Hinduism and Hindus interact with other groups and religions they encounter overseas. How does Hinduism redefine itself abroad, far from its holy land and among non-Hindus? What kinds of links have been established between Indian and diasporic Hinduisms? What about the territories they connect? Are the situations of contact observed overseas comparable to the ones that have occured in India in past and present times? Do these contacts lead to cosmopolitism or do they feed ethnicity? What are the consequences of these contacts on the nature of contemporary Hinduism in terms of religious practices and representations, and in terms of politics?
Such are some of the issues that will be addressed during this workshop, drawing on several case studies located in Western contexts and resulting from migrations that occurred during the last century.

Programme :

9h30: Welcome address, Mathieu Claveyrolas (CNRS, CEIAS) & Pierre-Yves Trouillet (CNRS, CEIAS)

10h-11hKnut Jacobsen (University of Bergen, Norway)
Hindu Traditions and the Plurality of Religions in the South Asian Diaspora in Norway
Discussant: Raphaël Voix (CNRS, CEIAS)

11h-12hSidharthan Maunaguru (National University of Singapore)
‘Naming the Giving’: Hindu Temples, Politics, Law and Philanthropy in London
Discussant: Delon Madavan (CERIAS, Montréal)

Lunch break

14h-15hPrema Kurien (Syracuse University, USA)
Majority versus Minority: Religious Status in India and Foreign Policy Activism in the United States
Discussant: Aminah Mohammad-Arif (CNRS, CEIAS)

15h-16hFrank Neubert (University of Bern, Switzerland)
From Connecting Hindus to Uniting Global Hinduism: History and Guiding Principles of Hinduism Today
Discussant: Véronique Bouillier  (CNRS, CEIAS)

Contacts : 

Mathieu Claveyrolas (
Pierre-Yves Trouillet (


“Social Stratification in Jaffna: A Survey of Recent Research on Caste” by Prashanth Kuganathan, in Sociology Compass Volume 8, Issue 1


Since 1983, war has dominated the perception of Sri Lanka. This has affected scholarship on the country, such that the subjects of an overwhelming number of research proposals and publications have been on the war and the prospects and prescriptions for peace. This survey paper is an attempt to locate the system of caste in transition in the Jaffna Peninsula by reviewing recent literature written after the commencement of the war. While detailed ethnographies of caste in Jaffna may have temporarily come to a halt, caste practices have not and remain a salient part of everyday life among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. As the war ended in 2009, it is therefore important that social scientists on Sri Lanka revisit the topic of caste, that is an integral part of not just Tamil culture or society, but beingTamil itself. As the study of caste is dominated by research in India, a microanalysis of Jaffna and Sri Lanka, particularly the nuances of this system in transition due to war and militancy, could contribute to the macro-study of caste at a sub-continental perspective.

To read the article:

Reference: Kuganathan P., “Social Stratification in Jaffna: A Survey of Recent Research on Caste”, in Sociology Compass, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2014, pages 78–88


“Anger after Malaysia returns refugees to Sri Lanka” by ucanews

“The mention of an LTTE resurgence has the political effect of reminding the [Sri Lankan] people of the Rajapaksha victory against the LTTE, and as a consequence, their continuing relevance at the helm of the security apparatus,” said Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, executive director of the Center for Policy Alternatives in Colombo. “It also has the effect of delegitimizing the UN resolution on the grounds that the LTTE is still alive and needs to be combatted.”

Read full article via:


Senthuran Varatharajah nominated for the Bachmann Preis for German Literature

Senthuran Varatharajah (PhD candidate in Philosophy, HU Berlin), who is now officially nominated for the Bachmann Preis for German Literature for his unpublished and unfinished manuscript. It’s the first time in the 38 year-old history of the Bachmann prize that an unpublished author stands nominated for one of the most renowned German language literature prizes. He’s also only the third person of colour to ever be nominated in the history of the prize (the other being of Iranian and Turkish descent). He’ll be live reading a chapter from his book between July 2nd and 4th on German, Austrian and Swiss national television.

The 38th ‘Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur’ (Days of German Language Literature) will also be available online via live stream.



Conférences “Religion et transnationalisme dans la diaspora sud-asiatique”

Prema Kurien, Professeur de sociologie à l’Université de Syracuse (New York) et Directrice d’études invitée par l’EHESS, donnera trois conférences auxquelles vous êtes tous cordialement invités:

The Political Incorporation of Religious Minorities in Canada and the U.S. , dans le cadre d’une séance co-organisée par la revue SAMAJ et  l’atelier thématique du CEIAS “Vécus de la pluralité religieuse et réflexivité en Asie du Sud ”  (coord. Aminah Mohammad-Arif & Grégoire Schlemmer), le lundi 2 juin, de 14h à 16h, au 190 avenue de France, salle 638.

Race, Religion, and the Political Incorporation of Contemporary Immigrants, dans le cadre du séminaire de Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, le mercredi 4 juin, de 17h à 19h, au CERI (56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris), Salle du Conseil.

Majority versus Minority Religious Status in India and Foreign Policy Activism in the United States, dans le cadre d’une conférence internationale au CEIAS portant sur le thème “Hinduism Abroad: Contacts, Politics, Transnationalism” (coord. Mathieu Claveyrolas & Pierre-Yves Trouillet), le mardi 10 juin, de 9h30 à 16h, au 190 avenue de France, salle 638.

Contact scientifique:



Colloque “Réfugiés, Ville, Santé Mentale”, organisé à l’uditorium de l’INALCO, les 19-20 juin 2014, à Paris

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Colloque Réfugiés, Ville, Santé Mentale

19-20 juin 2014, Paris


Organisé par M-C Saglio-Yatzimirsky (INALCO, EHESS) et

 Viviani Sousa do Carmo Huerta  (Université de São Paulo)

Auditorium de l’ INALCO. 65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013


Jeudi 19 juin 2014 – 9h- 17h


9h- Accueil et Introduction – Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky, Viviani Sousa do Carmo Huerta


MATINEE : Réfugiés dans la ville : migrations et arrivées

Président: Eric Meyer

Discutant : Catherine Servan-Shreiber


9h30-11h : Le cas de migrations d’Asie du Sud à Paris (1)

Delon Madavan – Tableau des migrations politiques tamoules du Sri Lanka  en France et à Paris

Mariam Abou-Zahab – Complexité des récentes migrations de Quetta


PAUSE CAFE 11-11h15


11h15-12h30 : Le cas des migrations d’Asie du Sud à Paris (2)

Giacomo Mantovan- Formes des récits et expériences morales des demandeurs d’asile Tamouls sri lankais en France

Shadows of Silence– Film de Pradeepan Raveendran, 11 mn,  Paris

Discussion en présence du réalisateur


BUFFET  SUR PLACE 12h30-13h30


APRES MIDI : Migrations politiques et  prise en charge administrative 

Président: Estelle d’Halluin

Discutant: Francesco Vacchiano


13h30 -15h-Le cas des demandeurs d’asile à São Paulo

Aurélia Michel- Quelques questions sur les récentes migrations au Brésil et les institutions d’accueil

Viviani Huerta- La prise en charge administrative des réfugiés à São Paulo


PAUSE CAFE- 15h-15h15


15h15-17h – Quelles questions pose la prise en charge socio-administrative en France ?

Estelle d’Halluin- Questions posées par les politiques d’accueil françaises

Anne Sophie Bentz- L’accueil administratif des réfugiés tibétains en France



VENDREDI 20  juin – 9h15-18h15


MATINEE : La prise en charge clinique des demandeurs d’asile en souffrance à Paris

Président : Thierry Baubet

Discutant : Stéphanie Larchanché


9h15-10h45- Le cadre  de la prise en charge: dimension culturelle dans la clinique et la psychiatrie

Heloïse Marichez-  Tableau de la prise en charge des demandeurs d’asile en psycho trauma à l’hôpital Avicenne

Clémence Henry – Quelques questionnements autour de l’expression et de l’interprétation de la détresse chez la population des réfugiés tibétains à Paris


10h45-11h- PAUSE CAFE


11h-13h: Questionnements cliniques (1)

Yoram Mouchenik- Une clinique de l’accueil et de l’accompagnement

Nisha Kirpalani – Eléments sur la prise en charge des  Indiens (Punjabis) au CAARUD


13h-14h : Buffet sur place


APRES MIDI : Questionnements cliniques (2)


14h-15h30: La question spécifique du mineur isolé 

Président: Davide Giannica

Discutant : Andrea Leal de Barros


Francesco Vacchiano – Le triple saut des mineurs réfugiés (croissance, bureaucratie et famille) : aspects cliniques et sociaux

Raffaela Cucciniello-  Pertinence des prises en charge psy  autour d’un cas de mineur isolé punjabi


PAUSE CAFE 15h30-15h45


15h45-18h: Migration et trauma : psychanalyse et politique

Président: Davide Giannica

Discutant: M-C Saglio-Yatzimirsky


Viviani Sousa do Carmo Huerta –  Immigration et Refuge : Aliénation sidérante au champ politique et demande impossible à être élaborée

Miriam Debieux- Migration forcée : de l’imaginaire traumatique aux interventions clinico-politiques

Felicia Knobloch – Le travail du trauma: clinique et critique


18h-18h15 : Conclusion et pistes- Viviani Sousa do Carmo Huerta, M-C Saglio-Yatzimirsky


“Tamil societies and visibility”, 23 mai et “Tamil writers in Exile”, 24 mai 2014 à la FMSH de Paris

Nous tenons à vous informer les dates suivantes ce mois-ci : “Tamil societies and visibility“, le 23 mai après-midi, et de “Tamil writers in Exile” le 24 mai après-midi.
En effet, le programme thématique Non-lieux de l’exil s’associe avec le programme Inde de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’homme, ainsi que le Centre of South Asian Studies de l’Université de Cambridge dans l’organisation d’un double panel, les 23 et 24 mai 2014. Ces panels se dérouleront au 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
Le programme et toutes les informations se trouvent sur :
Les intervenants :
Luxmy (Nagaluxmy Sivasamboo) was born in Sri Lanka and left for France in 1981. She obtained a degree in Civil engineering at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. She has been actively involved in the cultural politics of Tamil diaspora in Europe since 1990 and was one of the active members of the Tamil Literature Conference based in Exile from later part of eighties. Luxmy is one of the founding editors of ‘Uyirnizhal’ – a Tamil printed magazine for culture, fine arts and criticism from 2000 and she was one of the editors of the magazine ‘Exil’ (between 1995 to 1999). She has written many articles and critics, also translated numerous articles and short stories from English and French to Tamil.  Most of them appeared in Tamil diaspora journals and webzines. As a publisher (Exil Publication), she has published several anthologies of poetry from 1992.
Delon Madavan is Doctor of Geography at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He is a researcher affiliated with the Centre for the Study and Research on India, South Asia and its diaspora (CERIAS-UQUAM). His thesis focuses on the socio-spatial integration of the Tamil minority in Colombo, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. He studied this minority’s integration through an analysis of their citizenship, their citadinity and transnationality. Delon Madavan is also the author and co-author of several articles and books on Sri Lanka, and Jaffna town in particular. He also organized several conferences on the impact of the Sri Lankan conflict and is a co-director of the website Sri lanka & Diasporas.
Annamaria Motrescu-Mayes is an Affiliated Lecturer and a Research Associate at the Centre of South Asian Studies (CSAS), and a Research Fellow in Arts and Social Sciences at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. Annamaria uses her research, publications and graduate teaching to contribute to the field of visual rhetoric and historical studies. She teaches a course on ‘Visual rhetoric and modern South Asian history’ at CSAS, and is currently designing new visual teaching and research resources in collaboration with the Indian National Council of Educational Research and Training. Annamaria is also the founder of the ‘Amateur Cinema Studies Network’ (
Pradeepan Raveendran was born in Sri Lanka in July 1981. He is a self-taught photographer and filmmaker. He has been living in Paris, France since 2004. Pradeepan’s first directorial debut was in 2009 with the short film ”A Mango Tree in the Front Yard”. This film was an official selection at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2009 and subsequently nominated for a Golden Bear. His second short film ”Shadows of Silence” was premiered at the ‘Director’s Fortnight’ in Cannes International Film Festival 2010. Both films screened at various film festivals.
Remo Reginold is a South Asian Scholar and Performance theorist. He is a doctoral candidate at Cardiff University, and an affiliated scholar with the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge. From 2008 to 2011 he was a Junior Research Fellow with the Centre for Just Peace and Democracy (CJPD), Geneva. Since 2012 he is affiliated with the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH), Paris, collaborating on the Programme Asie du Sud and Programme Non-lieux de l’exil. Reginold’s areas of specialisation are Phenomenology, Semiotics, Art theories, Ethnographic Studies and Tamil Cultural Studies.
Sujit Sivasundaram is Lecturer in World and Imperial History since 1500 at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College. His most recent book is ‘Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony’ (University of Chicago Press, 2013). In 2012 he won a Philip Leverhulme Prize for History, awarded to young scholars in the UK for contributions to research. He is a Visiting Professor at EHESS this academic year.

“Lankan Muslims in London and Political Myopia” by Raashid Riza

This is a significant error of judgement on the part of sections of the Lankan British Muslim community in London and I am both thankful and relieved by the political astuteness of the Sri Lankan Muslim civil society groups based in Sri Lanka who have swiftly distanced themselves from this sad manifestation of political myopia.


source: Groundviews

Report “Attacks on Places of Religious Worship in Post–War Sri Lanka” by CPA

Four of Sri Lanka’s most senior hardline Buddhist monks appeared in court Monday accused of insulting the Koran, in the first such case following a spate of religious hate attacks.

Read full story via

Since the end of the war there have been high-profile incidents such as the attack on the Mosque in Dambulla in April 2012, however other incidents, have received little or no public and media attention. This has resulted in a limited understanding of the scale and nature of these incidents.

This report published on 09 March 2013 documents incidents of attacks on places of worship in Sri Lanka since the end of the war in May 2009 and discusses the broader context of such attacks.

Read report here –

Download the report in Sinhala here.

Download the report in Tamil here.


“Sri Lanka army admits torture and abuse of women recruits” by Amal Jayasinghe

Sri Lanka’s military admitted on Saturday soldiers had abused and tortured female recruits, a rare admission of guilt after years of allegations over its personnel’s treatment of Tamil rebels during an uprising.



“A new phase of mediation to get from post-war to post-conflict Sri Lanka” by Jehan Perera

The political resolution of the conflict will be difficult due to the ethnic and identity-based nature of the conflict which generates extreme insecurities on all sides. However, it is important that the Sri Lankan government takes immediate measures to improve the situation on the ground, so that there is an immediate peace dividend and its decision to invite South African facilitation is not seen as merely a hard headed decision to ward off the international community in Geneva. The situation in the North of the country, where over 60 have been arrested in recent weeks and some released by the security forces, and the targeting of the Muslim community by extremist groups, has created a climate of fear that is the opposite of reconciliation.


source: Groundviews

“Sri Lanka’s economic comeback” by Zarina Banu

Asian dynasties may have shaped its political landscape for decades, but eschewing this paradigm will ensure the best talent floats to the top. Skilled and impartial technocrats executing policy in an unrestricted decision-making environment is what works best for a globalised economy. Consummating genuine unity amongst Sri Lanka’s ethnic groups will lead to long-lasting peace, security and prosperity. Smart economics is about making poverty, not each other, the enemy.



“Financial networks supporting LTTE active: U.S.” by Meera Srinivasan

Activist Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu said collaboration between various international intelligence agencies on the issue of international terrorism did not throw a surprise.

“If there is any hard evidence of a sustained LTTE exercise abroad, I suppose the report is relevant, for the political objectives of those groups [among Tamil diaspora] are well within Sri Lanka,” said Mr. Saravanamuttu, executive director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, a think tank based in Colombo.

Read full article via


“Colombo beautification at a cost of 135,000 families : CPA” by

As many as 135,000 Colombo families, or 500,000 persons, could be forcibly evicted by Sri Lankan authorities, prompted by the country’s Urban Development Authority (UDA), according to a recent report by the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), which cited official estimates as its source for these numbers.

Further, a media statement released by the CPA in tandem with the report, titled “Forced Evictions in Colombo – The Ugly Price of Beautification”, also signalled; “Of particular concern are the involvement of the military controlled UDA in forced evictions, the modalities of which are similar to those employed in the North and East of Sri Lanka, and the scale which, according to some estimates, could even dwarf displacement in Northern Sri Lanka during the final two years of the war. The report also argues that viewing the forced evictions in Colombo as part of a development project only serves to hide the enormous social, public and human costs”.
