À la découverte de Justin Daraniyagala ජස්ටින් දැරණියගල (1903–1967)

Né à Colombo, Justin Daraniyagala est l’un des fondateurs du Groupe 43. Après l’obtention de son diplôme de droit au Trinity College (Cambridge) en 1925, il s’initie à la peinture à la Slade School of Art (1926-1927) et à l’Académie Julian (Paris, 1928) avant de rentrer à Sri Lanka en 1929…

Des p
résentation en français et en anglais de la vie et de l’œuvre de l’artiste sri lankais  du XXe siècle sont disponible sur le site de l’association Suravi: http://www.suravi.fr/justin-daraniyagala.html

“Justice for Vidhya” by Eye of the cyclone

“According to the family, when they went looking for Vidhya after 3.00 pm on May 13th when she still hadn’t returned from school, the only one to talk of seeing her at all was one particular schoolboy. He had said that he and a schoolmate had been trailing behind Vidhya on their cycles when she turned a corner ahead of them and they heard a crash. When they turned the corner themselves, they had seen her overturned bicycle and one shoe but Vidhya herself missing. One of them had also seen a flash of a yellow shirt among the bushes, but nothing more. They had apparently continued on their way to school without thinking to mention this incident to anybody.”

via: https://eyeofthecylone.wordpress.com/2015/06/04/justice-for-vidhya/

“No military administration in Jaffna: Sri Lanka Army” by Zee News

Colombo: The Sri Lankan Army has said there was no military administration in Tamil-dominated Jaffna and denied allegations by Chief Minister of the Northern Province C V Wigneswaran that more troops had been deployed in the area after a riot in mid-May.

via: http://zeenews.india.com/news/south-asia/no-military-administration-in-jaffna-sri-lanka-army_1611441.html

“Statement of Senator Patrick Leahy On Recent Developments and the Way Forward in Sri Lanka”

“I want to speak briefly about recent developments in Sri Lanka where the new government of President Maithrapala Sirisena has taken several important and encouraging steps to promote good governance, human rights and reconciliation since his election on January 8th.”


“Peace and justice: a timely reminder” by Meera Srinivasan

In April this year, when Rajani’s colleague Rajan Hoole was about to launch his book ‘Palmyra Fallen: From Rajani to war’s end’ and tried holding a discussion around it, a similar response came from the University of Jaffna, where Rajani was heading the Anatomy department until she was gunned down, yet again bringing to focus the concern many share about the lack of space in the University.

via: http://www.thehindu.com/books/books-reviews/palmyra-fallen-book-review/article7361710.ece

“Sri Lanka leader dissolves parliament, seeking fresh mandate for reforms” by Reuters

Sri Lanka’s president dissolved parliament on Friday, a government spokesman said, in an effort to consolidate power and push through political reforms.

Two government officials told Reuters elections will be held to elect a new parliament on Aug. 17.

via: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/06/27/uk-sri-lanka-election-idUKKBN0P61ZX20150627

“Sri Lanka’s president dissolves parliament, clearing way for early election” by The Guardian

Sri Lanka’s president dissolved parliament on Friday, a government spokesman said, in an effort to consolidate power and push through political reforms.

via: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/27/sri-lankas-president-dissolves-parliament-clearing-way-for-early-election

“Ghosts Of War Give Way to Development in Sri Lanka” by Amantha Perera

JAFFNA, Sri Lanka, Jun 26 2015 (IPS) – It is an oasis from the scorching heat outside. The three-storey, centrally air-conditioned Cargills Square, a major mall in Sri Lanka’s northern Jaffna town, is the latest hangout spot in the former warzone, where everyone from teenagers to families to off-duty military officers converge.

via: http://www.ipsnews.net/2015/06/ghosts-of-war-give-way-to-development-in-sri-lanka/

“Sri Lankan soldier gets death penalty for killing 8 Tamil civilians in Jaffna” by PTI

 A Sri Lankan soldier was on Thursday sentenced to death for killing eight Tamil civilians, including four minors, by slitting their throats in Jaffna nearly 15 years ago, in a rare case of the military being held to account for its actions.

“Sri Lankan president dissolves parliament” by Dinouk Colombage

The Sri Lankan President, Maithripala Sirisena, has dissolved his country’s Parliament, 160 days after assuming office in January this year.

It was also announced on Friday night that the Parliamentary elections will be held on August 17, while the new Parliament is scheduled to meet on September 1.

The dissolution ends weeks of speculation after the President promised to dissolve Parliament 100 days after his victory in the January presidential election.

via: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/06/sri-lankan-president-dissolves-parliament-150626162034921.html

“Justice in Sri Lanka: With just 273 political prisoners in custody, how many have disappeared?” by JS Tissainayagam

New questions about wartime and post-war disappearances in Sri Lanka emerged following a bombshell revelation that the Government hs only 273 political detainees in its custody. Families of the disappeared believed the numbers are much higher. This announcement also hardens doubts if a Sri Lankan-led judicial process into mass atrocities, such as disappearances, will bring justice to the victims.

via: http://asiancorrespondent.com/133600/sri-lanka-political-detainees/

“In Defence of Diaspora and Sri Lanka’s Invisible Victims” by Frances Harrison

“It’s nonsense of course to talk about a diaspora as a coherent entity. It’s made up of every shade of political view, different generations, different levels of education and class, and most of all very different experiences of suffering and exile.”

via: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/frances-harrison/sri-lanka-tamil_b_7642746.html

“Sri Lanka opposition asks government to act on US report on LTTE” by The Economic Times

Asserting that there is a “threat” to national security, Sri Lanka’s opposition today asked the government to act urgently over a US report which said that the LTTE’s international network and funding was intact.

via: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/sri-lanka-opposition-asks-government-to-act-on-us-report-on-ltte/articleshow/47769468.cms

“Sri Lanka says war crimes probe delayed by elections” by AFP

Sri Lanka’s proposed war crimes investigation has been delayed by several months until September as the government focuses on impending parliamentary elections, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera said Wednesday.

via: http://news.yahoo.com/sri-lanka-says-war-crimes-probe-delayed-110848868.html

“Emperor’s new clothes: Pathfinder Foundation’s Economic Blueprint” by Collective for Economic Democratisation

The Pathfinder Foundation’s prescriptions in its recent report, ‘Charting the Way Forward: Prosperity for All’ are a blueprint for the failed neoliberal policies of the past and would lead to prosperity for a few and misery for many. While vague and superficial in its analysis and conclusions, the Pathfinder Report’s conceptualization of structural changes to Sri Lanka’s economy has many faulty if not dangerous assumptions.

In particular, the report proposes cutting back on state budgets while promoting labour regimes that will further undermine workers’ rights and incomes. These ideas will only consolidate tendencies of political decay in Sri Lanka, further removing citizens from decisions made by economic ‘experts’. Finding alternatives then must inevitably expose the hoary claims in the report that are being rejected around the world in the wake of economic crisis.

via: http://www.dailymirror.lk/77371/emperor-s-new-clothes-pathfinder-foundation-s-economic-blueprint