“Implementing the Thirteenth Amendent: The First Step of a Long Journey” by Asanga Welikala

In other words, a ‘comprehensive devolution audit’ must be undertaken with regard to all existing law, policy, and practice, and recommendations made for amending, repealing, and replacing anything that is inconsistent with the maximum level of devolution permissible under the constitution. Needless to say, the sustained commitment of the government to implementation is crucial, and these changes are imperative to creating a conducive political environment for negotiating higher order constitutional changes in the future.

Via http://groundviews.org/…/implementing-the-thirteenth-amend…/

“Sri Lanka again rejects devolving police powers to ease tension with Tamils” by Ranga Sirilal and Shihar Aneez (Reuters)

Sri Lanka on Wednesday again rejected devolving police powers to the provinces as requested by new Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and required by the constitution as a means to ease tension with minority Tamils.

via: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-rt-us-sri-lanka-india-20140604,0,6791597.story

source: www.chicagotribune.com

“From devolution to the deep blue sea” by Dayan Jayatilleka (The Hindu)

New Delhi, which failed to militarily support an unambiguously pro-devolution President Kumaratunga during the Tigers’ siege of Jaffna in 2000, did not extend the requested and requisite degree of military support to Mahinda Rajapaksa in an equation that would have linked such support to political progress in lockstep as it were. Instead of simply insisting on the implementation of Sri Lanka’s own constitutional provisions (obviating the need for protracted, problematic talks with the TNA and the reinvention of the wheel), it was persuaded into echoing President Rajapaksa’s promise of 13 Plus. No wonder it finds itself in a dilemma on the next steps.

Via http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/from-devolution-to-the-deep-blue-sea/article4823985.ece

source: The Hindu

“Sri Lanka at a critical crossroad: JHU and the 13th Amendment” by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

If the bad guys win, the centre of gravity of Sri Lankan politics and society will shift still further to the right. It may even impact upon the choice of candidacy. If the neo-con project with its totalitarian notion of national security succeeds, the present dispensation will appear in a roseate afterglow as an era of tolerance and democracy.

Via http://groundviews.org/2013/05/30/sri-lanka-at-a-critical-crossroad-jhu-and-the-13th-amendment/

source: Groundviews

“Northern Provincial Council: The Devolution Debate” by Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka (Groundviews)

If we do not electorally reactivate the 13th amendment in September as promised, Sri Lanka will find that time and space are moving against us; that demography is moving against us and the political dynamics of our large and sole neighbor are moving in a direction that is adversarial towards us. I hope that nobody tries to unplug the 13th Amendment and not hold the elections this September. We are running out of time.Via http://groundviews.org/2013/05/05/northern-provincial-council-the-devolution-debate/

source: Groundviews