“Muslim Hating Ven. Gnanasara Thero” by Hilmy Ahamed

“Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero, the General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena, the Bodu Janatha Peramuna (BJP) and candidate for the Kalutara District, has launched his political campaign by once again attacking and branding every Muslim as a terrorist. His clarion call for the Sinhalese to “wake up”, his ominous augury “Abasaranai” to the Muslims in Aluthgama and the hate speech on 15th of June 2014 that led to the riots against the Aluthgama Muslims destroyed the peace that existed between the two communities. Now, his verbal diatribe and racism meant to help him to step in to Parliament, seem to get more vicious and venomous as the symbol for his new party, the cobra. He has now condemned every Muslim Civil, Religious and Political organisation as sponsors of terrorism in Sri Lanka. The media reports of the death of a Sri Lankan following a twisted ideology while fighting with IS (ISIS) has given him the ammunition to call every Muslim a terrorist or sponsor of terrorism.”

see: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/muslim-hating-ven-gnanasara-thero/

Bodu Bala Sena attacks Human Rights Festival

A human rights festival which was organised by the Samagi and held at the United National Party headquarters, Sirikotha, was disrupted when priests belonging to the Bodu Bala Sena stormed the premises and assaulted members of the organising committee and the UNP.

The BBS were prevented from entering the hall where elderly women who were attending the festival were seated by members of the Samagi and the UNP

Is the Rajapaksa regime losing control of its fringe supporters?

via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8mgAASghbQ


“Bodu Bala Sena insists Lanka not multiracial” Report by Easwaran Rutnam (Colombo Gazette)

The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) says Sri Lanka is not a multiracial or multi-religious country but a Sinhala Budhist country.

Speaking at the Bodu Bala Sena convention in Panadura this evening, the venerable Medagoda Abayathissa thero urged the Sinhalese to protect the nation and not let other races or religions to take over.

The monk also urged Sinhalese families to have at least 5-6 children so that the Sinhalese Buddhist population grows in order to protect the Sinhala race and Buddhism in Sri Lanka.

Via http://colombogazette.com/2013/03/24/bbs-insists-lanka-not-multiracial/

source: Colombo Gazette