“From Merchant Prince to Akbar Brothers: Inayat Akbarally and the Bohras of Sri Lanka” by Kannan Arunasalam

Inayet Akbarally tells the remarkable story of his great grandfather Careemjee Jafferjee and how he became the first member of the Dawoodi Bohra community to set foot in Ceylon believed to be around 1830. A “Peterite” thorugh and through, he reflects on the days when where you went to school trumped ethnicity and even religion.

Groundviews is honoured to feature, for the first time, the photography of his daughter Alefiya Akbarally who was given unprecedented access to photograph the visit of the His Holiness the Syedna in January 2007.
In addition to the video above, listen to seven interview segments with Mr. Akbarally on the site.

Access everything here.

source: Groundviews