“Sri Lanka: New report names torture camps and perpetrators” by Athula Vithanage

“A security force insider has told ITJP researchers that military intelligence officials operating from JOSEF camp ‘were actively looking for any Tamils returning home from abroad in order to interrogate them’, since President Maithripala Sirisena was elected to office in 2015. ITJP has recorded eight accounts of torture and abuse that happened after January 8, 2015, the most recent in July 2015.”

see: http://www.jdslanka.org/index.php/news-features/human-rights/543-sri-lanka-new-report-names-torture-camps-and-perpetrators

“A demeure en exil ? Être réfugié tamoul sri lankais au Tamil Nadu” par Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud

Nous avons le plaisir de signaler la parution d’un article d’Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud intitulé “A demeure en exil ? Être réfugié tamoul sri lankais au Tamil Nadu”. Cet article est paru dans la revue Carnets de Géographes dans le cadre d’un dossier spécial consacré aux “Espaces de l’entre-deux”

Cet article porte sur les migrants tamouls sri-lankais vivant en camp au Tamil Nadu depuis les années 1980. Fondé sur des données collectées au gré de plusieurs séjours entre 2010 et 2013, il explore la question de la marginalisation, des limitations et des processus d’exclusion dont souffre cette population, tout en nuançant ce constat en mettant l’emphase sur la manière dont les pratiques et les initiatives de ces migrants infléchissent ces processus de mise à l’écart en produisant des espaces de l’entre-deux.

This article deals with the Sri Lankan Tamils refugees in Tamil Nadu, from the first arrivals in 1983, following the Sinhalese violence against the Tamils after black July pogrom up to the present days. Based on both primary and secondary data collected through a filed survey conducted in June 2010, June 2012 and July and August 2013, this article explore the issue of marginalization, limitation and exclusion processes that affected the Sri Lankan refugees in Tamil Nadu. By using interviews in order to reveal their life story, this article shows that the practices of these migrants produce in-between spaces.

via: http://www.carnetsdegeographes.org/carnets_recherches/rech_07_06_Goreau_Ponceaud.php