“A Guide to Locating Photographs of Colonial Ceylon” by AISLS

AISLS is very pleased to announce the publication of A Guide to Locating Photographs of Colonial Ceylon, compiled by Benita Stambler, Coordinator of Asian Art at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida.  This guide documents over 50 collections held by non-profit institutions, businesses and individuals.  Links are provided to images that are held online.  An appendix gives a detailed account of the collection at Plâté in Colombo.

via: http://www.aisls.org/aisls-publishes-guide-to-locating-photographs-of-colonial-ceylon/

“The ‘Tan Stranger’ from Ceylon” by Manan Desai

“Chandra Dharma Sena Gooneratne, a graduate student at the University of Chicago in the 1920s, is a fascinating if also mysterious figure in SAADA’s archive. As a student in Hyde Park, he served as the captain of the Varsity Polo Club and was a member of the ROTC, all the while completing an M.A. and Ph.D.1 One source described him as an Indian from an “old high-caste family with several landed estates,”2 while another describes his time serving with British Forces in World War I in Mesopotamia, Persia, and Flanders.3 While in the U.S., he lectured on the Chautauqua circuit, which took him across different towns around the Midwest in the late 1920s and the early 1930s. The topics of his lectures ranged from figures like Tagore and Gandhi to the cause for Indian independence and the need to abolish the caste system. Reporters covered not only the content of his lectures, but spent a great deal of print on the exotic impression he left on his audience.”

via: http://www.saadigitalarchive.org/tides/article/20140708-3618

“An historical relation of the island Ceylon, in the East Indies” by Robert Knox (1681)

Robert Knox’s book, An historical relation of the island Ceylon, in the East Indies, published in 1681 is available online.

Click the link to consult it: https://books.google.fr/books?id=LBcuz37GrLQC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false


Robert Knox, 1681, An historical relation of the island Ceylon, in the East Indies, London, p.189

(remarques d’Eric Meyer): Le livre de Robert Knox est un classique qui a été maintes fois réédité en anglais depuis 1681. La rééédition la plus récente (Dehiwela, Tisara Prakasakayo, 1989, en 2 volumes – édition rare) offre un intérêt tout particulier: Robert Knox avait ajouté sur son volume personnel, retrouvé dans une bibliothèque au début du 20e siècle, une grande quantité de compléments manuscrits, qui ont été pour la première fois imprimés dans cette édition, de même que son autobiographie. Pour les lecteurs français, j’ai fait paraître une réédition de la traduction française du livre de Robert Knox en 1983 aux éditions de La Découverte, Paris, avec une longue introduction qui situe l’importance historique de l’ouvrage de Knox.