“‘I cried every day’: inside Sri Lanka’s ‘No Fire Zones'” by Channel 4

At the end of the Sri Lankan civil war the government of Sri Lanka held a press conference, writes Callum Macrae. Five doctors who had been trapped in the war zones – and had told the world of the awful suffering of the trapped civilians – were paraded in front of the world’s media.

And what they said could not be clearer – everything they had said from within the war zone was wrong. The government had not shelled hospitals. Only a few civilians had died. All the allegations of war crimes by government forces were a lie.

via: http://www.channel4.com/news/sri-lanka-war-crimes-inquiry-doctor-varatharajah-thariajah?fb_action_ids=293277350829568&fb_action_types=og.recommends

source: www.channel4.com

Channel 4 refutes Sri Lankan “propaganda offensive”

Channel 4 News takes the unprecedented step of blasting the lies of the shadowy pro Government of Sri Lanka group “Engage Sri Lanka” out of the waterhttp://www.channel4.com/info/press/news/channel-4-refutes-sri-lankan-propaganda-offensive

source: www.channel4.com

“Channel 4 Team Quits Sri Lanka Citing ‘Unacceptable Intimidation’” by Colombo Telegraph

The controversial British broadcaster Channel 4 has decided to leave Sri Lanka due to “unacceptable intimidation” that prevents them from reporting, the channel’s news editor says.

via: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/channel-4-team-quits-sri-lanka-citing-unacceptable-intimidation/

source: Colombo Telegraph

Another day of chaos at the Commonwealth Summit.

The Channel 4 team were forced to abandon their trip to the north after a mob blocked their train at Anuradhapurahttp://blogs.channel4.com/miller-on-foreign-affairs/channel-4-news-blocked-mob-sri-lanka/454

The Families of the Disappeared, an incredibly brave Tamil group from Mannar, were blocked by police from going in the other direction. They ended up holding a demonstration in the road where police held around 50 people for 6 hours without food or water. This is the third time the Families of the Disappeared have been blocked from reaching Colombo for a demonstrationhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/BY8He9ECYAEO0rr.jpg

Meanwhile at that demonstration Ranil Wickermasinghe, the ex PM and leader of the opposition, had his car attacked by a mob of demonstrators: https://twitter.com/Tharaka_/status/400578034274549761/photo/1/large

And Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice received also a death threat.

Channel 4’s respond to Sri Lanka’s “‘Corrupted Journalism’ and Channel 4 News” book

In the media pack given to all arriving journalists at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) being held in Sri Lanka next week is a 222 page book called “Corrupted Journalism“.

Channel 4 News Editor Ben de Pear writes in response to a 222-page book entitled Corrupted Journalism given out to journalists attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka.

via: http://www.channel4.com/news/sri-lanka-corrupted-journalism-and-channel-4-news

source: Channel 4

“Fate of Tamil propagandist – new evidence from Sri Lanka” by Jonathan Miller (Channel 4)

Channel 4 released a new video captured on a Sri Lankan soldier’s mobile camera shows the news presenter and actress/singer Isai Priya captured alive. The audio reveals that the Sri Lankan Army soldiers assume the 27-year-old Tamil woman to be the LTTE leader’s, V. Prabhakaran’s, daughter. She pleads she is not. Her naked body was later shown on another soldier’s trophy video with marks of torture and rape.

click to watch Channel 4 video

Source: http://www.channel4.com