“Sri Lanka leader dissolves parliament, seeking fresh mandate for reforms” by Reuters

Sri Lanka’s president dissolved parliament on Friday, a government spokesman said, in an effort to consolidate power and push through political reforms.

Two government officials told Reuters elections will be held to elect a new parliament on Aug. 17.

via: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/06/27/uk-sri-lanka-election-idUKKBN0P61ZX20150627

“Sri Lankan president dissolves parliament” by Dinouk Colombage

The Sri Lankan President, Maithripala Sirisena, has dissolved his country’s Parliament, 160 days after assuming office in January this year.

It was also announced on Friday night that the Parliamentary elections will be held on August 17, while the new Parliament is scheduled to meet on September 1.

The dissolution ends weeks of speculation after the President promised to dissolve Parliament 100 days after his victory in the January presidential election.

via: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/06/sri-lankan-president-dissolves-parliament-150626162034921.html