“Mohammed Irshad’s story and the banality of violence in the Rajapaksa regime” by Niranjala Ariyawansha

“Minister Mervin Silva destroyed our entire family. I had no intention to leave this country. But, I would never return to this country. This is the world’s worst country in regard of the political culture. I never expect justice from this country” he says sentimentally.

“I reveal this after three years since I want none will face a similar fate in future. If I did this earlier, the Army officer who was beaten by Minister’s son Malaka Silva may not have said what he said.”

How many other Irshad’s must be there in our country?

Via http://groundviews.org/2013/11/05/mohammed-irshads-story-and-the-banality-of-violence-in-the-rajapaksa-regime/

source: Groundviews