Approximately 22 percent of the population accessed the internet in 2013, with many residents deterred by the high costs involved, although mobile-phone usage continued to increase rapidly. Web-based media and blogs have taken on a growing role in the overall media environment, with outlets such as Groundviews and Vikalpa providing news and a range of commentary, even on sensitive stories and events that are barely covered by the mainstream media.
Archives par mot-clé : Freedom of expression
“Mob disrupts meeting of families of disappeared: Police & Government hound participants” by Watchdog
Instead of dispersing the unruly mob or arresting them, the Police asked the organizers to cancel the meeting and send the participants home. They also refused to provide the participants with protection, despite the organizers requesting the Police for protection, whilst pointing out that the Police were duty-bound to do so. The organizers continued to stand their ground and insist that the Police remove the abusive mob from the private premises of the church. The organizers were reinforced by the arrival of several lawyers, Catholic priests and representatives of civil society organizations.
“Sri Lanka: The subversion of independent thinking” by JS Tissainayagam
Therefore the Rajapakse government, which began its existence by suppressing the independent media and went on to stifle political dissent expressed through protests, has now taken the next step: expelling foreign passport-holders who discuss rights, democracy and allied subjects.
“Satire in Sri Lanka: Sour Puss” by The Economist
In a dismaying reflection on the state of the freedom of expression in Sri Lanka, people regularly ask Mr Kamardeen how he has gotten away with the Puss plays for so long. He isn’t robbing a bank, he replies. He is only writing a play. He is supposed to get away with it.
Violation de la liberté d’expression à Sri Lanka/ Legal Guarantees for FOE in Sri Lanka and how they are being eroded
Nous souhaitons partager une vidéo publiée par le Centre For Policy Alternative (CPA) qui rappelle les cadres juridiques nationaux et internationaux, dont la constitution sri lankaise, garantissant à la liberté d’expression et comment cette dernière est remise en cause dans l’île.
We like to share a video, post by CPA, that showcases domestic and international legal frameworks, including our constitutional rights on the freedom of expression and how there are being eroded.