« We Will Teach You a Lesson: Sexual Violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan Security Forces » Report by Human Rights Watch

This report provides detailed accounts of 75 cases of alleged rape and sexual abuse that occurred from 2006-2012 in both official and secret detention centers throughout Sri Lanka . In the cases documented by Human Rights Watch, men and women reported being raped on multiple days, often by several people, with the army, police, and pro-government paramilitary groups frequently participating.

Ce rapport contient des comptes rendus détaillés de 75 cas de viol et d’abus sexuels présumés qui ont eu lieu de 2006 à 2012 dans des centres de détention tant officiels que secrets dans divers lieux à Sri Lanka. Dans les cas documentés par Human Rights Watch, des hommes et des femmes ont déclaré avoir été violés pendant plusieurs jours, souvent par plusieurs personnes, avec la participation fréquente de membres de l’armée, de la police et de groupes paramilitaires pro-gouvernementaux.

To download the report/ Pour télécharger le rapport : srilanka0213HWR

“Sri Lanka: Rape of Tamil Detainees” by Human Rights Watch

Sri Lankan security forces have been using rape and other forms of sexual violence to torture suspected members or supporters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. While widespread rape in custody occurred during the armed conflict that ended in May 2009, Human Rights Watch found that politically motivated sexual violence by the military and police continues to the present.

Click on the link to read the article: http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/02/26/sri-lanka-rape-tamil-detainees

source: www.hrw.org