Approximately 22 percent of the population accessed the internet in 2013, with many residents deterred by the high costs involved, although mobile-phone usage continued to increase rapidly. Web-based media and blogs have taken on a growing role in the overall media environment, with outlets such as Groundviews and Vikalpa providing news and a range of commentary, even on sensitive stories and events that are barely covered by the mainstream media.
Archives par mot-clé : intimidation
“Govt. deploying troops to intimidate voters: Ranil” by Meera Srinivasan
Sri Lanka’s opposition leader Ranil Wickramasinghe has accused the government of deploying troops to intimidate Sri Lanka’s minority Tamils from voting in the upcoming presidential polls.
“Let’s stand together; Death threats will not deter us –FMM” by Sunil Jayasekara
“We, the Free Media Movement (FMM) and Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance (SLMTA) are here to day to inform you about the harassments faced by out fellow Tamil media journalists yesterday and today (26 July). Sri Lanka Journalists Association, the Muslim Media Forum, Sri Lanka section of the SAFMA are unable to present here today but they all have endorsed this press conference.”