“Freedom of the Press 2014 – Sri Lanka” by red world

Approximately 22 percent of the population accessed the internet in 2013, with many residents deterred by the high costs involved, although mobile-phone usage continued to increase rapidly. Web-based media and blogs have taken on a growing role in the overall media environment, with outlets such as Groundviews and Vikalpa providing news and a range of commentary, even on sensitive stories and events that are barely covered by the mainstream media.

via: http://www.refworld.org/docid/54a148d011.html

“In Sri Lanka, ‘fear and insecurity’ for journalists, activists” by UCAnews

On October 2 and 3, more than 300 journalists, lawyers and activists demonstrated in central Colombo, calling for an end to attacks against members of their professions. They say the threats have created a hostile environment where speaking and writing the truth is a dangerous proposition.

via: http://groundviews.org/2014/10/03/in-sri-lanka-fear-and-insecurity-for-journalists-activists/