“‘I thought I was a bad son’: the emotional distance between migrants and their children” by Guy Gunaratne

In 1951, Guy Gunaratne’s Sri Lankan father learned English by reading in a London bookshop. Almost 70 years later, the same shop sells his son’s novel.Guy Gunaratne considers their very different journeys.

To read more: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/may/02/story-father-immigrant-experience-guy-gunaratne?CMP=share_btn_fb

Source: The Guardian

“Lankan Muslims in London and Political Myopia” by Raashid Riza

This is a significant error of judgement on the part of sections of the Lankan British Muslim community in London and I am both thankful and relieved by the political astuteness of the Sri Lankan Muslim civil society groups based in Sri Lanka who have swiftly distanced themselves from this sad manifestation of political myopia.

via: http://groundviews.org/2014/05/06/lankan-muslims-in-london-and-political-myopia/

source: Groundviews

“Placing the Past in the Present: Tamil Oral History in London” by R. Mahan (ROTA)

Placing the Past in the Present: Tamil Oral History in London chronicles the stories, memories and experiences of Sri Lankan Tamils in London. It is one piece of the larger, one-year Through the generations: Tamil oral history project conducted in 2012.

To download the book for free click the link: http://www.rota.org.uk/webfm_send/194

Référence: Mahan R., 2013, Placing the Past in the Present: Tamil Oral History in London, Race on the Agenda (ROTA), London, 53 p.

We also invite you to visit the  website presenting the very interesting project “Through the generations: Tamil oral history”

Via: http://tamilgenerations.rota.org.uk/about/

Source: Race on the Agenda (ROTA)

ROTA is a social policy organisation focused on issues impacting on Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities.
